Saturday, February 21, 2015

Who is really safe in the U.S.A. ?

This might seem like a really dumb question , however I would give pause to think about this for just a minute and reflect what we are seeing on a daily basis as the world has seen the same events before.
Every day we are hearing about this terrorist threat , or that terrorist threat from one group or another , usually many miles away in the mid east or Europe , and of course it is backed up with horrific photos of innocent men , women and children brutally murdered and tortured. Then comes the shocker that we have domestic terror and need to be even more fearful , ever more watchful , ever more paranoid and ever more trusting and reliant on our ever watchful and protective government. Maybe we need to be less trusting and reliant on that loving , caring and ever watchful government and more questioning.

CNN has reported that DHS has concluded and published a report of more serious terrorist threats close to home in it's story. It would seem that sovereign citizen groups are a threat as well as  right-wing militia groups and to illustrate this CNN cites numbers of violence against police officers given to them by of course DHS , FBI and Police agencies. Now here's the rub , the persons named in attacks on police officers were never members of any militia right wing or other wise , nor were they a member of any sovereign citizens group ever . Now why would CNN possibly report something not true ? Didn't some editor vet the story and check facts before approving of the story ?

We've seen this before in Adolf Hitler , Joseph Stalin and a host of other tyrants in the past as far back as the Caesar's . Disinformation , false stories planted , create an enemy the people need protected from , and insure the people do not think or reason for themselves. Ensuring that the people are trusting and reliant on that ever watchful and protective government. But how much are we really being watched ? Is it enough to protect us as our loving government claims it is doing ? Or is it gathering intel on those who will not comply with being enslaved ?

At the direction of white house administration officials the mental health officials has published a report that claims if a person has more than a 7 day food and water supply stored in the event of an emergency they have a mental health issue , if you disagree with white house policies or President Obama you have mental health illness , if your a prepper or a member of a militia you have mental health issues , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM published it's new article months ago dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal as mentally insane. So it begs the question who is really safe ?

Our beloved government is ever watchful for dangers that will harm us such as but not limited to; Islamic extremists, Military vets , members of the NRA, preppers , militias , Dairy and farming co-ops , and of course the ever threatening and most dangerous of all, sustainable communities who live completely green and eco friendly. So much so that FBI SWAT teams have raided several , a really dangerous unarmed , non drug using group of people that threaten our very national security and should be watched very closely , oh and if you know someone of that mind set , remember what DHS wants you to do, if you see something , say something.

The world has seen this all before with horrific results as I stated , create an enemy you need protection from , create laws that enables government to protect you , become reliant on the government for the basic needs of life , housing, food , water , money and of course communications (Obama phones ? ) . The government now controls the media absolutely , so what you see and hear is approved of by a government censor and sanitized . Anyone who dares report the truth is in real danger of committing suicide , fatal car crash or just out right disappearing , hence Jim Clifton C.E.O. of the Gallup Poll who did a kind of retraction about reporting on the real number of Americans unemployed . He wanted to make it home that night and not disappear

Here are some facts that can be easily researched , Fact; Our national debt is over 118 Trillion dollars, Fact Unemployment is 36% , Fact NO communication is secure , all are watched, read or listened to, Fact Food production for 2014 was at it's worst in 20 years due to weather , Fact the new jobs created went to illegals , Fact C.E.O.S.'s moved personal income off shore and out of country to avoid income taxes, Fact Companies moved out side the U.S. due to wage reduction for employees and not having to comply with OSHA and EPA as well as labor Laws. Fact Wall Street numbers are fabricated to support false bubbles , fact the current economy is being carried by blue collar workers not Wall Street or corporations, Fact the current administration is putting forth a serious effort to disarm American citizens and abolish The Bill Of Rights and The Constitution, Fact The police are militarized so as to be the standing Army in the streets to enforce the will of the current administration.

We've seen all this before and it was bloody , brutal with millions of lives lost , families destroyed and businesses crushed . The government is using the magicians trick of distraction so as people will not focus on what is really happening before their very eyes , each police brutality is readily explained away as " he /she didn't follow my orders", really ? Seriously ? We take orders from those who serve at OUR will the Will OF THE PEOPLE ? Not me ! Operation BOA and Operation Lighting is already in place , the removal or execution of those who are non compliant in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness, remember " then they came for me and there was nobody left to speak up." So again I have to take pause and reflect and ask myself , who is really safe ?
The loss of Rights and Freedoms are always done in the name of national Security and for " the greater good" and are always enacted to secure power for tyrants and enslavement of the people.

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