Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What is Freedom

Freedom may have a different meaning to someone who does not live in America , for example it may mean not having to fear being killed or enslaved in a African or mid east country. Here in America Freedom means The Constitution and The Bill of rights , both the basis and foundation of our country. Both were paid for in blood , both have been protected thru the years by those who refused to wear the yoke of tyranny . So what is freedom in America in the year of out Lord 2015 ? It is the NSA , DHS , FBI and numerous other quasi legal authorities spying at every turn on those Americans via internet spying , illegal phone taps and out right video monitoring . The U.S. Supreme Court has all but gutted our 2 most important documents leaving Americans to fight on a daily basis for their hard won freedoms, no knock warrants , illegal stops and searches , asset forfeiture just on suspicion with no evidence of wrong doing . Then if you can afford justice you may be vindicated. Our country has been taken over by corporate greed  that has bought the politicians in Washington D.C. as well as corrupt leaders and people in mineral rich nations . Freedom is a sweet word that should be protected at all costs , defended daily , promoted amongst family, friends and neighbors. Sadly that is far from the truth. Pastors in Churches are telling their congregations to spy and inform on their fellow citizens , DHS promotes " if you see something , say something." David Crowley was murdered for his revealing concept trailer The Gray State , hedge fund managers are suddenly committing suicide , investigative reporters being spied upon and computers hacked into , wall street running rampant and unchecked with tax payers money. Don't protest or you'll be arrested , so much for right to redress , don't voice anti government policies , you'll be arrested and held without access to legal counsel , and this is of course for own good. Freedom ? The movement to remove guns and ammunition from the American public is the governments fear of the people revolting , When the people fear the government you have tyranny, when government fears the people you have democracy. Freedom , the sweet ring of that sound that swells your heart as you look at your children and whisper a silent thanks for their health and safety. Freedom in America is now but a distant dream , something that complacent people watched slip away all for the greater good , those who are afraid to lose their creature comforts aided in it's death. Freedom of speech is a thing of the past , if you voice your opinion that offends a person or group you can be arrested and sued , if you profess a faith in a religion someone doesn't like you can be labeled a racist and sued , so no more Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion that our founding fathers fought so hard for. If you have an American flag , cherish it , treasure it and protect it , for one day it will be a crime to own one as it will represent an idea and dream we once had and enjoyed , Freedom.

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