Thursday, February 19, 2015

Survival Preparedness or Bug Out bag ? Part 1

There is a lot of talk now days about " bugging Out " and prepping for all kinds of events and scenarios by those who are " nut jobs " , " wing nuts " and of course my favorite " Tin Foil Hat wearers." So much so that now even main stream media outlets are selling air time for commercials on products you can purchase and from retail goods stores to sports supply stores ,this didn't happen until very recently and only after marketers realized they were missing an untapped source of revenue . Never doubt that if a buck can be made off of the general population Madison Ave. and Wall Street will find a way to exploit it, after all this is America , isn't it ?

What is survival preparedness as opposed to Bugging out ?  Survival preparedness is when you are ready for  any natural or man made event in which you have to survive on your own without infrastructure support , Electricity, water , Internet and such provided by public utilities. We experience earth quakes, floods, hurricanes and tornados that can wreak havoc in wide spread communities for long periods of time thus stretching resources and personnel thin and to the breaking point. Recent events like hurricane Katrina , snow storm Sandy , tornado ally from Texas to Kansas,to power outages from the recent intense cold of the " Siberian Express."

Bugging out is getting out of a city that is imploding with riots and total chaos which police and national guardsmen cannot control , this type of event is usually brought on by a host of problems created by those who consider themselves elite and above the huddled unwashed masses to gouge out every dime they can while not allowing those masses to support themselves and their families. Bugging out means you have already found and determined a place that you and your group or family can fall back to for safety and shelter , also and important defensible. Remember if you have something others want or need you will have to defend it as there will be No Rule Of Law.
You may have to bug out due to economic collapse , pandemic collapse or natural disaster , but whatever the reason it's gotten bad enough you are no longer safe and secure in your current location.

What is a " Bug out bag ?" ; A bug out bag or pack is something we should all have for a host of reasons, however if you do have one , you the run risk of having the stigma " nut job " and " tin foil hat wearer " placed on you. My tin foil hat is pretty , shiny and new , as I have not one but 6 packs. Yes I said 6 packs , a bit of overkill ? Perhaps , but I'll let you decide. When the economic collapse occurs and it surely will as we are in a over inflated monetary bubble , resources are going to dry up faster than you know , grocery shelves will rapidly empty , and when there is no food people get right down ugly and hostile. So I have planned for several people , food , water , fire , shelter and the means to hunt and trap and procure more food as well as ammo and arrows for weapons.

Bug out list, what do I need ? Simple , EVERYTHING. basic human needs are simple , food , water , shelter and heat , are what is needed to survive for more than 3 days . Sound daunting ? Don't panic , each person is different and will have different needs , needs are not the same as wants , pack what you need and not what you want , meaning the Play Station gets left behind. As for food you want at least a 3 day supply for each person in your group , sounds like a lot I know. Remember this is stuff YOU have to carry on your back like a pack mule, so instant noodles , ready to eat tuna and chicken packets , chicken and beef bullion cubes , all light weight and easy to carry. As for water , a good rule of thumb is one gallon a day per person , man water is heavy and a burden to pack and carry. Not to worry , life straw water purifier as well as water purification tablets and once settled make your own water filtration system with activated charcoal. Life straw purification straws are good for traveling and getting from point A to point B , however in a collapse you will not be able to replace filters or straws so long term needs to be prepared for. As mentioned before you'll want hunting, fishing and trapping items to be able to feed yourself. Each bag and items will vary and be different according to individual needs .

Emergency Preparedness "Bug Out Bag" Check List

  • [  ] Bottled water
  • [  ] Water treatment tablets
  • [  ] Water filter
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Food:
  • [  ] Granola bars
  • [  ] Dried fruit
  • [  ] Dried nuts
  • [  ] Jerky
  • [  ] Hard candy
  • [  ] Trail mix
  • [  ] MRE's
  • [  ] Eating utensils
  • [  ] Pocket knife
  • [  ] Knife sharpener
  • [  ] Cooking kit (includes drinking cup)
  • [  ] Can opener
  • [  ] Moist towelettes
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Clothing:
  • [  ] Change of clothing
  • [  ] Long underwear
  • [  ] Heavy socks
  • [  ] Poncho
  • [  ] Coat, jacket and/or sweater
  • [  ] Handkerchief
  • [  ] Gloves
  • [  ] Hat
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Shelter:
  • [  ] Sleeping bag
  • [  ] Space blanket
  • [  ] Duct Tape
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Energy:
  • [  ] Chemical hand warmers
  • [  ] Flashlight (wind-up type will not need batteries)
  • [  ] Waterproof matches
  • [  ] Candle
  • [  ] Portable stove
  • [  ] Extra fuel for portable stove
  • [  ] Rechargeable batteries
  • [  ] Solar battery charger
  • [  ] Disposable lighter
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Health care/Hygiene:
  • [  ] First Aid kit
  • [  ] Activated charcoal capsules
  • [  ] Tweezers
  • [  ] Lip balm with sunscreen
  • [  ] Vitamin supplements
  • [  ] Soap
  • [  ] Wash cloth
  • [  ] Towel
  • [  ] Insect repellent
  • [  ] Scissors
  • [  ] Mole skins
  • [  ] Prescription drugs/herbal medicines
  • [  ] Toothbrush
  • [  ] Personal items
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] Pepper spray, Chemical Mace, Taser or stun gun
  • [  ] Firearm where appropriate and extra ammunition
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Communication:
  • [  ] Address book (including phone numbers of friends, neighbors and family members)
  • [  ] Cell phone
  • [  ] Charger for cell phone
  • [  ] Portable radio (wind-up type will not need batteries)
  • [  ] Emergency flasher
  • [  ] Notebook and pencil
  • [  ] Signaling mirror
  • [  ] Whistle
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Waste disposal:
  • [  ] Plastic bags
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Money:
  • [  ] Cash
  • [  ] Credit/debit cards
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Social:
  • [  ] Playing cards
  • [  ] Games
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Transportation:
  • [  ] Walking shoes
  • [  ] Compass
  • [  ] Area maps
  • [  ] Passport/Driver's license
  • [  ] Backpack to put all of the above in
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Miscellaneous:
  • [  ] Fishing kit
  • [  ] Extra eyeglasses
  • [  ] Sunglasses
  • [  ] Binoculars
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
This list is just a suggestion for what you need to plan on and for how many people you need to plan for , adjust this list pertaining to each ones needs .

A good place to begin would be with and reviewing what items are offered and what meets your needs and criteria for survival and emergency preparedness.


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