Thursday, February 19, 2015

Who really knows the truth ?

There are events developing all across our nation as well as our world that have immediate impact , as well as some that we are yet to feel and face. There are threats within our great nation as well outside of it that wish to do us great harm , but who are they ? Where are they ? Where will they come from and in what form ? A lot of questions that need answers and that are very relevant no matter where you live or who you are , but who has the answers ? With all the spy technology and illegal invasions of privacy those whom we trusted to protect us do have the answers , however their not giving them out and that should raise some serious red flags.

NSA, FBI, DHS, Secret Service , D.O.E. ( Depart. Of Energy ) and yes even Border Patrol has gotten into the illegal spy and tap game against U.S. citizens along with the C.I.A. , but why ? It's for our own good we are told , it's for national security we are told , it's because we are targets by those who hate us we are told . We are being told a lot but not seeing any answers to our questions , we are being deliberately being fed fear but not being told what to fear or whom to fear. So who has the answers ?

main stream media keeps asking repetitious questions and either get the same non answers or the questions are deflected and the subject changed. Those who persist and will not be deterred are not invited to future press conference's , and if a news reporter has the nerve to question motives or actions they are promptly fired or found dead from committing suicide. So who has the answers and knows the truth ? I would say Valdimir Putin does for one , yes the President of Russia.

The U.N. has at every turn become more and more invasive to our country and has insisted more and more for the dismantling of our constitution and Bill of Rights , the new World Order. But why ?
And why does Putin refuse to play along ? World assets and resources are depleting rather quickly and it is running out faster than thought in previous years.

Those who call themselves masters are now in a race against time , to get the most while they can before the masses rise up and throw them out . The so called third world countries are fighting back to keep what they have to help their own citizens first , not rich old guys who see the world as their personal domain, how dare they. The elite wealthy are running to their bolt holes with personal security and only coming out when it's time to grab more money and give orders to those they control in world governments.

The truth is a select few know just exactly how much resources we have now and how long it may last , hence the need for increased food supplies , renewable energy and most of all how to gain and maintain absolute control of it so as to control the masses. Don't think so ? In both the states of Washington and Oregon it is illegal to catch and use rain water on your property , it belongs to the state . Farmers markets , food co-ops of non GMO foods are becoming illegal and getting raided by swat teams , milk co-ops being raided and hundreds of gallons of milk poured out because the good people didn't have FDA approval , farmers markets and co-ops and milk co-ops who choose to live healthy and chemical free raided by swat teams  Really ? Seriously ?

Watch what you say and who you say it to because big brother is watching and listening , you only have free speech in " free speech zones " , so much for the Constitution. Also on almost every channel you see and hear the DHS line " if you see something , say something." Basically tell on your neighbor if their political views don't fall in line with yours or the current administration, doctors asking patients if they own guns , schools and teachers asking students if their parents own guns and what they talk about and with who.

So here's the question , who really knows the truth ? Better stock up on things like real history books before they are all burned and history is rewritten , get a copy of the bill of Rights and Constitution before they are both repealed and draconian law is imposed , who knows the truth ?

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