Friday, February 13, 2015

Different Perspective

Wall Street brokers , Bond traders and Securities Brokers are all very ecstatic as once again the Dow breaks 18000 , a lot of money moving from here to there and all the while we as a nation and people are being told " don't worry , everything's fine , just look at the Dow jones." My perspective is that of American vets homeless on the streets , single mothers working 2 part time jobs and still needing welfare food stamps to feed their families. My perspective is college kids graduating with a life time debt to the U.S. government for student loans they'll never be able to pay off and interest accruing daily, yet illegals cross our borders and get free education without the stress of debt repayment, oh and those new graduates ? They just moved back in with mom and dad because they have no job to go to because they've been out sourced to another country so as to avoid paying U.S. taxes.

My perspective is families being displaced from their homes due to bank foreclosures because both adults have lost their jobs to non-Americans at a much lower wage scale. My perspective is the debtors prison if you default on credit card debt and yet again illegals are receiving free health care , a car , food stamps , tax payers money , and cell phones with no bills. My perspective is once eradicated diseases are now killing American children due to anti-biotics  not even having a effect on them , and admitted by the CDC are mutating and becoming even more contagious and lethal.

My perspective is that if you don't have triple A credit then that job you applied for you will not receive , my perspective is that credit ratings are more important than skills, education and experience. My perspective is that those who were elected to do the will of the American people are now arrogant and not listening, basically doing what ever catches their whim and fancy at the time.
My perspective is that if you voice any opinion or concern you are labeled as racist and far left wing with no understanding of what is best for the community as a collective.

My perspective is that food prices are ever soaring putting decent non-GMO food out of reach of those who are actually concerned about their families and loved ones health. My perspective is that now on a daily basis you cannot watch or read the news without seeing or hearing about contaminated water or food. my perspective is that if you try to grow your own healthy food you can expect a visit from some government agency with a S.W.A.T. team and either are jailed or fined for not being government regulated. Usually both.

My perspective is that a $20.00 bill is now the new one dollar bill , and it doesn't buy much.
My perspective is that our seniors are being hit the hardest with medication cost increase and co-pays, our revered elders who suffered and fought so that we could have a better life are now betrayed and considered to be useless and more trouble than their worth, a wealth of knowledge and experience ignored and disrespected.

My perspective is that only 1% of people and not all are Americans are the ones who are enjoying and reaping the benefits of the great recovery President Obama keeps telling us, my perspective that the job market President keeps telling us about are only 20 hour work weeks at minimum wage.
My perspective is that those who are eating well and drinking clean water are worried for good cause about the masses arising in anger and frustration , why else have a " bug out " location that can only be reached by air plane ? Question , how do you resupply your spent resources ? And who protects you from the armed body guards you have protecting you and your families when resources are low and you can't resupply ?

My perspective is that it's all a lie on such a grand scheme that sooner than anyone can know it's going to collapse and only then can we restore this once great nation, and that's my perspective.

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