Thursday, May 7, 2015


There has been a lot happening since my last post , life tends to get in the way when you don't have a addiction to the internet. So let me start by saying that life here in the United States has taken some very interesting turns , some subtle and some not so subtle twists. Of course many people rely solely on main stream media for information whether by television , internet or good old newspapers. Then there are the nut jobs , fruit cakes , crazies and tin foil hat wearers who use alternate media sources, like me.

Lets start with Jade Helm 15 , the military doing "exercises " in several states in preparation for possible action in other countries. O.K. sounds reasonable , until you look at it really close. There are several installations that were built and are used for that very purpose , but we are expected to believe this is all innocent. Blending in local civilian populations to try and gather information , blending to try and garner how much actual resistance there could be , gathering weapons capabilities and strength in numbers. Gathering names of leaders of groups who will most likely rally fighters and be leaders of resistance groups , how many are in those groups , how they communicate , where they train and how often. Again this is only a training exercise , however it's against Americans and on American soil. After all, how well will a U.S. Military soldier blend in say in the mid-east or the tropics ?

Next is the economy that is thriving and doing so well , after all Wall Street and The Federal reserve as well as the Central Bankers would not lie to main street U.S.A. would they ? Stocks are so over inflated that even Janet Yellen has had to finally come out and state the obvious , stocks are over valued. There is no real backing to these sky high stocks and bonds , meaning that when it's realized it's all just paper and worthless and there is no gold or any value to it the curtain of fallacy is ripped away and the economic lie is revealed. The white house and the Fed as well as Bankers are doing their best to propagate the lie , Wall Street is actually in fear of the masses waking up and actually rising up in revolt. Why else would 500 plus C.E.O.'s already be bugging out or have put plans in motion to retire and bug out ?  Here are 2 article's that not only name name's but cover it very well and there are a host of msm outlets with the same information;

So any reasonable person of sound mind has to at least ask , what do they know that we don't ? So now we have active military operating on U.S. soil and C.E.O.'s bugging out , not suspicious at all.

Moving on we have to have a discussion about " race " relations , by all means yes lets do discuss it. If your a drug dealer , a car thief , any type of criminal you are going to get caught , law of averages is against you regardless of color. If your in a known high crime area late at night expect to be confronted by the police , again regardless of color. The term thugs IS not the new word for nigger , yes I said nigger not the politically correct abbreviation " N word " Remember everybody is screaming for a " open " discussion and to do that is not politically correct or glossed over, you don't get it both ways. There are just as many white thugs , Latino thugs, Asian thugs as well as black thugs, it is not a race issue it's a parent issue. Whip that kids ass and child services be damned ! Little Johnny and little Susie talking back and cussing their parents flies in the face of moral character , child services will punish parents who do try to correct their kids . Look at Peterson of the Vikings. Did he beat his kid ? No. Did he put his kid in the hospital with broken bones ? No. Did he spank his little butt for bad behavior ? Yes and it cost him his job. If you liberals and democrats don't like to see kids get their butts whipped , not abused but good old fashioned spanking , DO NOT GO SOUTH ! South of the mason dixion line we whip out kids asses.

Moving on to protesters in the U.S , this ties in with race relations discussion everyone says they want but won't be honest about. We as a people have the right to redress , after all we are a free people and a free nation and our elected official's work for us . Or do they ? On May 4th 1970 4 college kids were killed by Ohio national Guardsmen for protesting , no moltav cocktails, no bottles being thrown, no bricks or rocks being thrown and no looting or cars set on fire. Just marching and chanting. They were protesting , not looting and there is a difference. Are blacks treated differently than whites when confronted by police ? Yes . Why ? Look at actions and locations, but is this fair or right ? No , people are presumed innocent until proven guilty, or at least their supposed to be. The courts are 98% of the time going to side with a cop , they are considered a professional witness and trained to do so. Recently 4 N.Y. state parole officers were stopped by cops because someone called 911 to report 4 large people wearing bullet proof vests , no mention of color was mentioned in that 911 call. Where this goes south is that when the police responded they did not stop their actions once the parole officers identified themselves with their badges which were in plain sight and their state issued I.D.'s, in that regard the cops were wrong. Investigating and confirming identification was not.
In any country , any race , there is and always will be racism. Those ethnic leaders of all races can do something about that , either positive or negative, the choice is up to the individual person as to how they respond.

So let's recap , we have military exercise's on U.S. soil , we have fortune 500 C.E.O.'s bugging out , we have a bad economy which includes no jobs and for the blue collar worker barely able to afford a home and not be homeless. We have rouge cops , not all cops are rouge or bad by the way. We have racism and we have government official's lying thru their teeth to the public at large. Let's not forget that main stream media is without a doubt under white house control , report something negative or the government doesn't like and your either arrested or you lose your job, and riots across the nation.
This is all leading up martial law and tyranny , the push for a militarized police force is getting stronger , even Al Sharpton is pushing for it. So if you think it's bad now it can only get worse , the economic structure world wide will collapse , it is inevitable , there are severe crop shortages due to weather and man made causes , we are on the brink of another world war and the ultra rich are already running to their bug out locations. This is the reality of the United States of America.

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