Sunday, May 24, 2015

Follow the Money

"Follow the money" has been an old saying for awhile now , usually in reference to something illegal .However in todays world it should have a whole new meaning ,if would be experts like Bill Gates and financial experts have their way , there won't be any more money to follow as we will be in a cashless society. In this instance though it is more than just illegal activity , it is about the well being and survival of a few and the life styles they have become used to, and in so doing now believe it is their right to continue to do so at the cost of others. So let's get to it shall we and see where we end up , or end as a once free nation.

California drought; Great money maker

With severe cut backs ordered by the governor of California due to what is now going into 3 years of drought with no relief in sight , California farmers and ranchers are the most adversely affected due to not being able to plant and grow crops as well as feed for commercial sale for ranchers. No crops , higher food prices in the nation , no feed crops , less beef and poultry and pork in the super markets, all with higher prices. Banks are " allowing " those affected " to secure new loans so as to stay afloat in the desperate belief that things will get better , they won't. With higher food prices you've now increased your profit margin so mush so that food prices across the board has risen 35% in just a matter of a few months. Less beef , poultry , pork and dairy has been very lucrative for commercial food brokers and their share holders , why stop it now ? Share holders , usually Wall Street investors don't like bad quarterly reports. Why fix a problem , or cure an illness when you can milk it for more profit ? Pun intended. Now those in the upper 10% of the income bracket do not feel the pinch , it is everyday Susie home maker who bears the brunt of higher food prices in a bad economy, and it is bad regardless of President Obama's propaganda . More and more house holds are using money otherwise ear marked for things like health care , rent , utility bills , car insurance , and robbing Peter to pay Paul, The obesity problem isn't due to people being lazy , it is due to people eating more fat producing foods as that is all they can afford, it's either that or go hungry. Planning well balanced meals that are nutritional and healthy on a part time minimum wage job is impossible , try it , it can't be done. Parents are considered bad parents if their child is obese and in some states have child protective services threaten them as this is deemed child abuse, so what are the options ? Let the child go hungry ? Of course not. We are now at the stage where more people are going hungry because food prices have gotten so out of hand it's either feed my children or don't pay a bill, and if your 20 year old car needs repaired just to make it to your part time minimum wage job your in serious trouble. With the majority of Americans paying upwards and over 50% of their net income for housing there is almost next to nothing to live on. Agenda 21 is United nations generated and should scare the hell out of people, one of it's main components is to depopulate and relocate people, what better way to depopulate than starve those " unnecessary " to death ? As for the ongoing drought situation you have HARPP manipulating the weather , Global Climate change due to carbon emissions , and the redirection and damming of our natural water ways all for the serious profit of a select few. Follow the money.

Great Job Market; If your not an American

More and more companies are replacing Americans who have had long term employment with H1-B1 employees and since those visa's are now used up due to the vast influx of " cheaper " labor they are now using H1-B2. The area first and most severely affected is the IT/Data industry, and to add insult to injury those being displaced have to train their replacements to do what was once their " secure " employment. Now this has even reached such places as Disney, pretty soon Mickey Mouse may have a Hindu or Spanish accent. C.E.O.'s claim that it enables them to be competitive and stay viable . Competitive with who ? Viable ? Viable translates to corporate greed in that the life style they want to keep means you lose your job for someone who is willing to do it cheaper and not complain about labor law violations. Viable translates to share holders , again Wall Street investors want an increase in bottom line profits and better quarterly reports at any and all costs. J.C. Penny , Sears , and host of others now only have employees who work strictly by commission , no sales no income , don't produce a high number of sales and you are terminated. Americans love to make deals and get the best bang for the buck, who doesn't. Now on line retailers are taking the place of actual physical shopping outlets at lower costs , on the surface that's great , except. If your order is wrong you are now dealing with a customer service that is " outsourced " literally out of the United States, again removing jobs that are badly needed here in the U.S., trying to get a refund or at the very least an exchange for the correct item is neigh impossible. This year alone in 2015 6000 major retail outlets are either closing down numerous stores or closing their doors altogether. Now again in this economy your going to have at the very least 10,000 plus minimum wage or commissioned employees out of a job trying to survive and support families, great job market.

Inflation or deflation - Your money isn't yours

Referring to a cashless society, banks want to now charge fees for depositing money into accounts , charging fees for money sitting in accounts , continue to charge fees for with drawing money from your account , basically anything and everything. If you use a teller , there is a fee, if you with draw $2000.00 or more a S.A.R. ( suspicious activity report ) is sent to DHS, the F.B.I. and the U.S. Attorneys office , why ? To protect you from terrorists. If you deposit $10,000.00 cash in a short period of time to your business account , again your  going to get on a list but your account is seized until you prove your not a terrorist or drug dealer or cartel member and a host of other would be dangers to the public at large , after all it is for your own protection. Wall Street Bankers now have an additional safety net thanks to President Obama , if a bank is in danger of going under they can now take a customers money in their account to prevent that , without the protection of F.D.I.C., meaning you just bailed out your bank and don't get your money back. Follow the money. The majority of banks are not American owned , in fact they are now international corporations that answer to no one , not even those agencies tasked with preventing and investigating corruption. In the Obama administration you have nothing to fear, unless you didn't pay off those you were supposed to so as to conduct your illicit activities, those very few who do become the dog and pony show receive basically a slap on the wrist and go right back to their cronies and praised for not informing on their cohorts, or end up dead in a mysterious single car crash , or suicide with no note. By doing a general search of the multi-millionaires and multi-Billionaires and what companies they own or have controlling interest , it is mind boggling. Follow the money. They either didn't pay taxes like George Sorros , sent their money to off shore accounts , or have massive " tax breaks " not available to everyday citizens. Now if you owe the I.R.S. say a $1,000.00 , they will move heaven and earth to collect it , including taking your bank account , garnishing your wages and putting you in jail. Yet those in the banking industry and Wall Street investing are immune from this same treatment . Demand that laws be applied equally and you unleash a severe hornets nest and are attacked personally and continually harassed. Follow the money because it is not now yours, what is ironic and should be noted , those that are elitist wealthy , is only on paper and that paper has no value and its absolutely worthless as it has nothing to back it.

Follow The Money;

There is no money , Janet Yellen has had so much printed to try and support an economy that has tried to auto-correct if you will , but elitists has prevented that at every turn. Allowing Wall Street to conduct business as usual and bankers to continue to literally rape the public at large, all with President Obamas approval and blessing. After all it has made him a millionaire several times over. We are now in the same position as Germany's Weimar Republic from 1918 to 1933 when Adolf Hitler took absolute control with his totalitarianism form of governing, but inflation isn't rampant you say. The 20 dollar bill is now the new 5 dollar bill. We have totalitarianism as a government as it is now run and controlled by Wall Street Bankers and investors , step out of line and you will be quickly either put back in line , jailed on some trumped up charge , or out right executed . Our money is so bad nobody wants it anymore , governments across the globe are divesting themselves of it as a reserve currency , looking to President Putin and his Brics bank for another source of reserve currency that governments want to use to conduct business. An immediate and direct threat to Wall Street and those who control it , follow the money. History if nothing else has shown us all empires come to an end , we as Americans need to rethink where we are and how we got here, for after all we have followed in the same exact foot steps as the Roman Empire and Nazi Germany, look at how and why they ended , Follow the money.

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