Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's for your own good

It would appear and seem that adult American's need to be guided and led by politicians in Washington we have become errant children , and as such we no longer have the ability to know or determine what is best for us and what is in our best interest. Those whom we have elected to serve at the will of the people and to represent what we want and don't have indeed taken it upon themselves to ignore the citizens of this country , as well as The Bill Of Rights and The constitution.
Now bear in mind that it is always for own best interest and for own good , and my personal favorite , for own protection , that these wise and illuminated politicians are devolving the United States into tyranny. Let's start at the beginning and see where we as a nation have ended up.

Elections: 1 person , 1 vote.
That is how this country was started as to the will and wants of the people , we elected officials by popular vote of the majority as to who best represented our opinions and beliefs. If that duly elected person did not comply with the will and desire of the majority the answer was simple , the individual was not re-elected and we moved on to the one whom we thought was better suited by majority popular vote. Now we have an " Electoral College " who answers to no one but big business and corporations ignoring the majority popular vote , in essence , you have the money you can buy your politician into office. The electoral system is now so corrupt that even those governments we deem oppressive and tyrannical are laughing at the hypocrisy being spouted by current politicians, and deservedly justified in doing so. The amount of money spent on elections is so astronomical it is criminal and yet protected by laws enacted by those same politicians who violate the basic tenets of our founding laws and restrictions established by our freedom loving founding fathers. What adds insult to injury , these crimes are upheld and protected by political appointees to the U.S. Supreme court who are supposed to protect our Constitution and bill of rights. Look at current politicians and who donated how much money to their being elected into office , there was once a limit on how much an individual or corporation could donate , however the restrictions have been removed by the politicians themselves and again protected by the highest court in the land.

Freedom Of Speech- Freedom Of The Press : Not any more

If you speak out against corrupt politicians you become immediately " a person of interest " to law enforcement as you may have a background or something to hide. If you are a main stream news reporter your story has to be approved by a federal agency to insure that it is what the government wants to be reported on and how. Forget about truth and facts , if you report the truth or actual facts you are either  smeared publicly or you are charged with some of crime for violating some obscure national security law. Then there is the NSA who has no qualms about hacking into news agencies reporters computers , after which comes the threats of criminal charges .You only have the right to Freedom Of Speech in designated " Free Speech Zones " as long as you have a permit  and as long as it is approved subject matter and not critical of any government official or policy. I missed the part in The Constitution and Bill Of Rights where our founding fathers wrote that into the " exceptions " clause to freedom of speech. In the last 2 years there have been numerous deaths of reporters , independent and main stream who were literally going to blow the whistle on government activities or had already done so. From single car accidents where the air bag didn't deploy to murder- suicide of the reporter's family and then his or herself to outright suicide, all with no witnesses either in the late hours of the dark of night to broad daylight with people around and still no witnesses. Then there is movie and film makers , remember " The Gray " state director was found dead with his family after being dead for 3 weeks in the middle of winter. What is interesting about the " murder/suicide was the fact that there were no stock pile of news papers and the delivery had not been canceled, there was no over flowing of mail in the mail box, no one had been asked to collect the mail by any family member. What I'm really curious about is who shoveled a 2 car drive way , the side walks all around the house after all the snow fall ? Now if your in " Alternative " news media you have a new set of issues, I.E. Your a tin foil hat wearer , your a nut job , your an extremist either far left or far right. Examples : Matt Drudge , Glen Greenwald , Zero Hedge and of course Alex Jones of Info wars. It is also putting yourself directly in harms way of the U.S. government and all it's law enforcement agencies. Freedom of speech is at your own risk.

Right to due process: Fallacy

If you are suspected of having committed some offense those law enforcement agencies are required to appear before a judge and present " Probable Cause " with " Prima Fascia " evidence for either a search warrant or a warrant for arrest , not a " we think he/she did it and want to look. " " Terry " stops were ruled illegal long ago by again our highest court in the land and yet continues today with New York city being the biggest violator with their " stop and frisk " policies. Which by the way federal courts and the Supreme court ruled illegal, so how does this happen and continue to go on ? " A person has the right to secure in their person , papers and property " seems to have been forgotten by those wearing badges and robes. Police now are able to write their own warrants WITHOUT a judge, or cause , no knock warrants have seen innocent people and children killed when police have gone to the wrong house , an innocent black man was killed by police in a Wal-Mart in Ohio when a white man who didn't like seeing him carrying a BB gun called 911 to " report a suspicious black male carrying a gun. The NDAA or The National Defense Authorization Act as well as The Patriot Act is in direct violation of everything that is in The Bill Of Rights and The Constitution. Police are very rarely called to account when they have violated a citizens right and out right committed criminal acts under the color of authority, and when someone now appears with audio and video of police committing the crimes and violations they get harassed by fellow cops to send a message. That message being " shut up or your next. " The militarization of local police is nothing more than a means to keep people in line with government orders, step out of line and you are either arrested or out right executed in the street. Those few who are " brought to justice " are rarely convicted even with over whelming evidence with the standard line of " I was in fear of my life. " The primary excuse for all of this is of course there are terrorist behind every bush and common every day citizens need to be watched and controlled because if they have a free thought or stand up for their rights then they have to be criminals and squirreled away to a facility and some are black site facilities where torture is used to get a confession , and there is more than just the one in Chicago. Here is what should really keep your attention in my opinion , many police agencies across the country are trying to get laws passed making it illegal to video cops when they stop someone or are kicking in a door , remember , if your not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about.

The right to keep and bear arms: Oh Hell No

In 1937 congress passed the violent criminal act prohibiting violent criminals from owning fire arms, of course at the time it seemed reasonable. Gang land violence due to the depression , known gangsters like Al Capone , baby face Nelson , Bonnie and Clyde and of course machine gun Kelly. That began the slippery slope of rights being eroded and the American public tired of common gun battles in broad daylight had enough and wanted it ended and rightly so. I refer again to the Constitution ; The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. In ye Olde Europe after the advent of the first black powder rifles and pistols there were " highway men " who robbed travelers of their purse and jewelry , some even committed murder for which they paid the ultimate price. Then as fire arms developed you have outlaw gangs who robbed stage coaches and trains as well as banks. They were either killed by posses , hung or sent to prison but when released they could once again own and carry a six shooter and rifle . Now I don't want to see someone who is mentally unstable with a fire arm as that is literally a nightmare waiting to happen , however the definition of mentally unstable has become so wide spread you dare not show any type of emotion or else law enforcement says you have to have your guns taken away for good. Did a loved one pass away and you were grieving and mourning so you went to a therapist ? Your mentally unfit to own a gun. Your going thru a divorce and are angry and depressed , your mentally unfit. Are you a prepper ? You are absolutely unfit AND a threat to national security. Are you a veteran who served in actual combat ? You got it, not only are you unfit and a national security threat but should be under observation at all times. The party line with politicians in a large number are trying to advocate the confiscation of ALL fire arms from the citizens of this country and is the main objective of again big business and corporations ( big surprise there ) as well as the goal of the United nations . Every tyrant who lived had to disarm the people so as to insure only their forces had weapons thereby able to enslave the people. With economic disparity so wide and ever dwindling resources those who are used to luxury are now fearful of mass uprisings equal to or in proportion to the French revolution are directly involved in attempting for disarmament of the populace while increasing the arming and weaponizing  local police agencies. When the monetary and economic collapse occurs police departments are going to be overwhelmed and unable to control the populations of large cities even with the aid of U.S. military forces who are even now training for such an event. If you don't have a gun get one , if you don't know how to shoot , learn , if you are afraid of guns or are going to rely on the government please by all means enjoy the F.E.M.A. camps which are already fully manned. It should be well noted that those Sheriff's and Police Chiefs who refuse to comply with illegal federal mandates are getting harassed and being pressured by federal agencies to be removed from office, The Sheriff is the highest law enforcement official in any county in the United States , fact check The Constitution as well your local departments to see where your officials stand on The Constitution before it's to late.

Jade Helm 15
Sting Ray eaves dropping on private citizens
Gun confiscation
No Freedom of Speech
No Due Process
No Right to Redress
Judicial Corruption
Political Corruption
Police Corruption
Coming to a town near you Martial Law

And it's for your own good !

1 comment:

  1. There are terrorists here.. they are hiding behind the guarded doors of the White House, in the halls of Congress, in the chambers of the once great Supreme Court and hiding in local mayor's offices.. council chambers. Yes they are hiding in our own towns all across this once great country. Thank you for this very important lesson my friend. Stay safe, stay informed.
