Friday, May 8, 2015

Is anyone safe ?

The NSA , FBI, Homeland security , TSA, and police departments are all being loaded with high end technology to be able to eavesdrop on citizens , cameras are every where watching everything we  do , even the most mundane like grocery shopping , and to what end ? Phone calls recorded , e mails read and passed on , our kids being asked to be in home spies on parents and neighbors , from what shows are being watched to what politics are being discussed. Again to what end ?

The federal government has established protocols for immediate arrest and removal for those who they deem as a threat , wisked away in the dead of night under the cover of darkness , but again to what end ? History has shown us that tyrants operate this way to remove those thinkers who could stop them and awaken people to what the real danger is and that it's coming for them, teachers , lawyers , doctors , professors and free thinkers . So who is safe ?

the police is now a stand alone Army in our very streets and if you have the nerve to raise the issue of your protected rights that were fought for and hard won YOU WILL be arrested for disorderly conduct to not OBEYING a police officer, OBEYING ? Since when do we as a free people and nation HAVE to OBEY those who work for us at our will and discretion ? If you question the actions of these militarized cops you have the very real risk of being beaten if not out right gunned down , and these government bots have no remorse and actually believe they are above the law and our masters, so who is safe ?

The current administration has issued innumerable executive orders allowing a once respected occupation to be nothing more than a corrupt occupation force in our streets and towns to enforce heavy handed orders to the common citizen, a college professor beaten and rights violated for crossing the street " illegally " , stop and frisk for being out to late , stop and search for being in the wrong neighborhood and being the wrong color , money taken from citizens under asset forfeiture because " no one carries that much money " , the amount being $2000.00.

The federal government has had the mental health administration and field reclassify mental illnesses so as to further their agenda such as : if you have more than seven days of stored and food and water you have a mental illness , if you disagree with the policies of President Obama you have a mental illness , if your any kind of prepper or choose to live green you have a mental illness , also if you live off grid not connected to public utilities you are in most states committing a crime. So again who is safe ?

The government has come up with " Operation BOA" they get rounded up first at 0300 hours , no charges , no lawyers , no rights . These are the intellectuals who can awaken the mind and make people aware of the very real danger of government abuse of power, an educated person is always dangerous to a tyrant for they can spread ideas and ideas are dangerous to dictators because once they've taken root they cannot be destroyed, like the idea of FREEDOM. So who is safe ?

1 comment:

  1. Sadly the answer to this question appears to be - No one is safe. No One can assume that being a law abiding citizen doing nothing more than sitting on a park bench will insure your safety. the stories we are seeing are unimaginable. What has happened tot he profession of law enforcement, I was raised believing police officers were good people who would keep you safe, We were taught as children if you needed help always find a police officer they would help you and keep you safe, today, that is not the lesson I could teach my children. I do know many many fine respectful police officers, these are men and women with strong morals and ethical values, however they seem to be the minority now and if they try to clean up their ranks their lives are in danger. How did the world become so evil? Oh I remember, Greed, love of money and power.. it is a dark and sad world that we are quickly evolving into.
