Saturday, February 21, 2015

Who is really safe in the U.S.A. ?

This might seem like a really dumb question , however I would give pause to think about this for just a minute and reflect what we are seeing on a daily basis as the world has seen the same events before.
Every day we are hearing about this terrorist threat , or that terrorist threat from one group or another , usually many miles away in the mid east or Europe , and of course it is backed up with horrific photos of innocent men , women and children brutally murdered and tortured. Then comes the shocker that we have domestic terror and need to be even more fearful , ever more watchful , ever more paranoid and ever more trusting and reliant on our ever watchful and protective government. Maybe we need to be less trusting and reliant on that loving , caring and ever watchful government and more questioning.

CNN has reported that DHS has concluded and published a report of more serious terrorist threats close to home in it's story. It would seem that sovereign citizen groups are a threat as well as  right-wing militia groups and to illustrate this CNN cites numbers of violence against police officers given to them by of course DHS , FBI and Police agencies. Now here's the rub , the persons named in attacks on police officers were never members of any militia right wing or other wise , nor were they a member of any sovereign citizens group ever . Now why would CNN possibly report something not true ? Didn't some editor vet the story and check facts before approving of the story ?

We've seen this before in Adolf Hitler , Joseph Stalin and a host of other tyrants in the past as far back as the Caesar's . Disinformation , false stories planted , create an enemy the people need protected from , and insure the people do not think or reason for themselves. Ensuring that the people are trusting and reliant on that ever watchful and protective government. But how much are we really being watched ? Is it enough to protect us as our loving government claims it is doing ? Or is it gathering intel on those who will not comply with being enslaved ?

At the direction of white house administration officials the mental health officials has published a report that claims if a person has more than a 7 day food and water supply stored in the event of an emergency they have a mental health issue , if you disagree with white house policies or President Obama you have mental health illness , if your a prepper or a member of a militia you have mental health issues , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM published it's new article months ago dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal as mentally insane. So it begs the question who is really safe ?

Our beloved government is ever watchful for dangers that will harm us such as but not limited to; Islamic extremists, Military vets , members of the NRA, preppers , militias , Dairy and farming co-ops , and of course the ever threatening and most dangerous of all, sustainable communities who live completely green and eco friendly. So much so that FBI SWAT teams have raided several , a really dangerous unarmed , non drug using group of people that threaten our very national security and should be watched very closely , oh and if you know someone of that mind set , remember what DHS wants you to do, if you see something , say something.

The world has seen this all before with horrific results as I stated , create an enemy you need protection from , create laws that enables government to protect you , become reliant on the government for the basic needs of life , housing, food , water , money and of course communications (Obama phones ? ) . The government now controls the media absolutely , so what you see and hear is approved of by a government censor and sanitized . Anyone who dares report the truth is in real danger of committing suicide , fatal car crash or just out right disappearing , hence Jim Clifton C.E.O. of the Gallup Poll who did a kind of retraction about reporting on the real number of Americans unemployed . He wanted to make it home that night and not disappear

Here are some facts that can be easily researched , Fact; Our national debt is over 118 Trillion dollars, Fact Unemployment is 36% , Fact NO communication is secure , all are watched, read or listened to, Fact Food production for 2014 was at it's worst in 20 years due to weather , Fact the new jobs created went to illegals , Fact C.E.O.S.'s moved personal income off shore and out of country to avoid income taxes, Fact Companies moved out side the U.S. due to wage reduction for employees and not having to comply with OSHA and EPA as well as labor Laws. Fact Wall Street numbers are fabricated to support false bubbles , fact the current economy is being carried by blue collar workers not Wall Street or corporations, Fact the current administration is putting forth a serious effort to disarm American citizens and abolish The Bill Of Rights and The Constitution, Fact The police are militarized so as to be the standing Army in the streets to enforce the will of the current administration.

We've seen all this before and it was bloody , brutal with millions of lives lost , families destroyed and businesses crushed . The government is using the magicians trick of distraction so as people will not focus on what is really happening before their very eyes , each police brutality is readily explained away as " he /she didn't follow my orders", really ? Seriously ? We take orders from those who serve at OUR will the Will OF THE PEOPLE ? Not me ! Operation BOA and Operation Lighting is already in place , the removal or execution of those who are non compliant in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness, remember " then they came for me and there was nobody left to speak up." So again I have to take pause and reflect and ask myself , who is really safe ?
The loss of Rights and Freedoms are always done in the name of national Security and for " the greater good" and are always enacted to secure power for tyrants and enslavement of the people.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Who really knows the truth ?

There are events developing all across our nation as well as our world that have immediate impact , as well as some that we are yet to feel and face. There are threats within our great nation as well outside of it that wish to do us great harm , but who are they ? Where are they ? Where will they come from and in what form ? A lot of questions that need answers and that are very relevant no matter where you live or who you are , but who has the answers ? With all the spy technology and illegal invasions of privacy those whom we trusted to protect us do have the answers , however their not giving them out and that should raise some serious red flags.

NSA, FBI, DHS, Secret Service , D.O.E. ( Depart. Of Energy ) and yes even Border Patrol has gotten into the illegal spy and tap game against U.S. citizens along with the C.I.A. , but why ? It's for our own good we are told , it's for national security we are told , it's because we are targets by those who hate us we are told . We are being told a lot but not seeing any answers to our questions , we are being deliberately being fed fear but not being told what to fear or whom to fear. So who has the answers ?

main stream media keeps asking repetitious questions and either get the same non answers or the questions are deflected and the subject changed. Those who persist and will not be deterred are not invited to future press conference's , and if a news reporter has the nerve to question motives or actions they are promptly fired or found dead from committing suicide. So who has the answers and knows the truth ? I would say Valdimir Putin does for one , yes the President of Russia.

The U.N. has at every turn become more and more invasive to our country and has insisted more and more for the dismantling of our constitution and Bill of Rights , the new World Order. But why ?
And why does Putin refuse to play along ? World assets and resources are depleting rather quickly and it is running out faster than thought in previous years.

Those who call themselves masters are now in a race against time , to get the most while they can before the masses rise up and throw them out . The so called third world countries are fighting back to keep what they have to help their own citizens first , not rich old guys who see the world as their personal domain, how dare they. The elite wealthy are running to their bolt holes with personal security and only coming out when it's time to grab more money and give orders to those they control in world governments.

The truth is a select few know just exactly how much resources we have now and how long it may last , hence the need for increased food supplies , renewable energy and most of all how to gain and maintain absolute control of it so as to control the masses. Don't think so ? In both the states of Washington and Oregon it is illegal to catch and use rain water on your property , it belongs to the state . Farmers markets , food co-ops of non GMO foods are becoming illegal and getting raided by swat teams , milk co-ops being raided and hundreds of gallons of milk poured out because the good people didn't have FDA approval , farmers markets and co-ops and milk co-ops who choose to live healthy and chemical free raided by swat teams  Really ? Seriously ?

Watch what you say and who you say it to because big brother is watching and listening , you only have free speech in " free speech zones " , so much for the Constitution. Also on almost every channel you see and hear the DHS line " if you see something , say something." Basically tell on your neighbor if their political views don't fall in line with yours or the current administration, doctors asking patients if they own guns , schools and teachers asking students if their parents own guns and what they talk about and with who.

So here's the question , who really knows the truth ? Better stock up on things like real history books before they are all burned and history is rewritten , get a copy of the bill of Rights and Constitution before they are both repealed and draconian law is imposed , who knows the truth ?

Survival Preparedness or Bug out bag ? Part II

In my previous article I barely covered bug out bags and reasons to bug out , as well as reasons to be prepared for survival in the event of natural or man made disasters. Survival bags and survival packs can mean the difference between life and death , so what to do ? Are you able to safely bug in at your home ? Can you safely bug in in your home where all your belongings are and you are most comfortable ?  Will there more people joining you in the event of bugging in ? If so , how many ? Is there enough food ? Is there a alternate means of fresh potable water ? Do have alternate means of providing heat for warmth and food preparation ? All of these are serious considerations , as well as , is there someone who will need special medical needs such as prescription's or equipment ?

With bugging in or bugging out a lot needs to be planned , how many people , children , pets and that annoying friend whose always hanging around . A bug out bag is not the same as a bug out pack for many reasons. The main being of course that a bug out pack has a lot more items for longer term use and strategic allocations for security and food gathering. Are you secure ? Do you have intruder detection ? How do you live without electricity ? How do you communicate with others and each other ?
Hand held radios are the best route to go for short range and should be included in all planning weather bugging in or bugging out, a mid price set like I have is good for up to 34 miles depending on terrain , terrain being the key word. I have the Midland GXT set good for 34 miles , after a lot of trial and error I find that in the Appalachian Mountains these work better than most , although due to severe inclines and minerals there are areas where there is no reception until I am on top of a ridge.
At all times someone should know where your at , what route your taking and what your purpose is as well as how long you are going to be gone.

Let's talk about trash disposal, not anyone's favorite subject. We create refuse and waste as human beings and it has to be disposed of , so how to do so ? Fire comes to mind , but then you risk detection if your bugging out , or at best wasting your fire starting resource. If bugged in keep an outside fire going even if it's only coals that can be stoked back into flames. metal cans and glass jars can always be repurposed and reused as a source of storage , growing plants and even alarm system with metal cans.

Resupplying resources , a tough thing to do where ever you are so plan ahead . Stocking seeds for food , growing plants and using already natural plants to make herbal tinctures and salves for health and medical useages.  Heirloom seeds are non GMO and the ones I use , even if you don't have a green thumb they are hardy and with attention and care will grow and feed you , always plan and plant more than you need so you can, can and preserve items for the winter months. If you have never canned your own food , it is not a hard process and one that will benefit you greatly especially when your hungry.

Life with out electricity, oh woe is me I have no X-Box ! There are many sources of solar arrays from RV's to complete systems for off grid cabins , but for bugging in or bugging out and carrying a small hand held light weight solar charger is the way to go , it'll charge tablets , Iphones and Ipads as well as your Midland hand held 2 way radios. I have the hand cranked radio with NOAA weather as well as being able to be informed if there are in fact anyone on the air waves, after all a real threat is a E.M.P. event in which the power grid is completely knocked out.

How do I get around from point A to point B and carry what I need to accomplish tasks ? Storing gas or diesel fuel is not a real option as both with go bad especially in areas that are subject to extreme temperature differences . The best idea is a horse if out side cities , however for those urbanites who choose to remain in the city and hope for the best there is bio fuel you can make yourself . This fuel however is only good for diesel engines , so a generator your depending on won't be able to use it , nor will your car, so it's back tom ye olde days and carts , buggys, horses or just good ol elbow grease and tote it on your back. Now I have been tinkering with fuel for a Polaris quad that's 4 wheel drive, will post more on that when I have it all worked out.

Whether bugging in at home or bugging out to a remote area already pre selected bug out packs with the items you need for each person is always a good idea , even children. As I stated in a previous article I have 6 packs , that all are loaded with the same basic items , 3 means of starting a fire , hand cranked flash lights , tarps for emergency shelter , 3 different types of fire starter , as a side note WetFire performs extremely well under all conditions from rain to intense snow and cold . I have very real and first hand experience with this product . Something you'll want to include in your prepping is either Jet Sled Jr or the full size Jet Sled , it is awesome to load all packs and easily pull along in any type of terrain and weather , however is does slide easier on snow and wet ground and grass.

Medical and First Aid kits are a must have and always necessary

Society has crashed and I have the flu , what do I do ? In the event of society collapse you can forget running to the E.R. for emergency medical services , you have just become your won doctor. There are a lot of natural herbs and plants as well as fruit and vegetables, I'm sure you've heard of how good garlic is good for the blood ? That is true but it also has many other heath benefits as well as topical uses , that dandelion plant you try to kill every year in your lawn ? You may want to encourage it and more to grow and harvest them for they have a host of medical remedies. Essential oils can be made and will help keep you healthy as well as protect you from viral and bacterial infections. Beside band aids and aspirin a well stocked first aid kit needs to be put together and maintained for extended long term usage such as the one I have from ,

At all times care and caution should be used when it comes to medical supplies and their usage mine also include prefabed sutures in case someone needs stitches, these come directly from a medical supplier and are enclosed in a sterile sealed packet and are meant for disposal after being used.
Here is just a few photos of my packs supplied by the good people of, well stocked and ready for immediate use.
As with anything you will have to adjust it for your personal needs and situations.


Survival Preparedness or Bug Out bag ? Part 1

There is a lot of talk now days about " bugging Out " and prepping for all kinds of events and scenarios by those who are " nut jobs " , " wing nuts " and of course my favorite " Tin Foil Hat wearers." So much so that now even main stream media outlets are selling air time for commercials on products you can purchase and from retail goods stores to sports supply stores ,this didn't happen until very recently and only after marketers realized they were missing an untapped source of revenue . Never doubt that if a buck can be made off of the general population Madison Ave. and Wall Street will find a way to exploit it, after all this is America , isn't it ?

What is survival preparedness as opposed to Bugging out ?  Survival preparedness is when you are ready for  any natural or man made event in which you have to survive on your own without infrastructure support , Electricity, water , Internet and such provided by public utilities. We experience earth quakes, floods, hurricanes and tornados that can wreak havoc in wide spread communities for long periods of time thus stretching resources and personnel thin and to the breaking point. Recent events like hurricane Katrina , snow storm Sandy , tornado ally from Texas to Kansas,to power outages from the recent intense cold of the " Siberian Express."

Bugging out is getting out of a city that is imploding with riots and total chaos which police and national guardsmen cannot control , this type of event is usually brought on by a host of problems created by those who consider themselves elite and above the huddled unwashed masses to gouge out every dime they can while not allowing those masses to support themselves and their families. Bugging out means you have already found and determined a place that you and your group or family can fall back to for safety and shelter , also and important defensible. Remember if you have something others want or need you will have to defend it as there will be No Rule Of Law.
You may have to bug out due to economic collapse , pandemic collapse or natural disaster , but whatever the reason it's gotten bad enough you are no longer safe and secure in your current location.

What is a " Bug out bag ?" ; A bug out bag or pack is something we should all have for a host of reasons, however if you do have one , you the run risk of having the stigma " nut job " and " tin foil hat wearer " placed on you. My tin foil hat is pretty , shiny and new , as I have not one but 6 packs. Yes I said 6 packs , a bit of overkill ? Perhaps , but I'll let you decide. When the economic collapse occurs and it surely will as we are in a over inflated monetary bubble , resources are going to dry up faster than you know , grocery shelves will rapidly empty , and when there is no food people get right down ugly and hostile. So I have planned for several people , food , water , fire , shelter and the means to hunt and trap and procure more food as well as ammo and arrows for weapons.

Bug out list, what do I need ? Simple , EVERYTHING. basic human needs are simple , food , water , shelter and heat , are what is needed to survive for more than 3 days . Sound daunting ? Don't panic , each person is different and will have different needs , needs are not the same as wants , pack what you need and not what you want , meaning the Play Station gets left behind. As for food you want at least a 3 day supply for each person in your group , sounds like a lot I know. Remember this is stuff YOU have to carry on your back like a pack mule, so instant noodles , ready to eat tuna and chicken packets , chicken and beef bullion cubes , all light weight and easy to carry. As for water , a good rule of thumb is one gallon a day per person , man water is heavy and a burden to pack and carry. Not to worry , life straw water purifier as well as water purification tablets and once settled make your own water filtration system with activated charcoal. Life straw purification straws are good for traveling and getting from point A to point B , however in a collapse you will not be able to replace filters or straws so long term needs to be prepared for. As mentioned before you'll want hunting, fishing and trapping items to be able to feed yourself. Each bag and items will vary and be different according to individual needs .

Emergency Preparedness "Bug Out Bag" Check List

  • [  ] Bottled water
  • [  ] Water treatment tablets
  • [  ] Water filter
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Food:
  • [  ] Granola bars
  • [  ] Dried fruit
  • [  ] Dried nuts
  • [  ] Jerky
  • [  ] Hard candy
  • [  ] Trail mix
  • [  ] MRE's
  • [  ] Eating utensils
  • [  ] Pocket knife
  • [  ] Knife sharpener
  • [  ] Cooking kit (includes drinking cup)
  • [  ] Can opener
  • [  ] Moist towelettes
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Clothing:
  • [  ] Change of clothing
  • [  ] Long underwear
  • [  ] Heavy socks
  • [  ] Poncho
  • [  ] Coat, jacket and/or sweater
  • [  ] Handkerchief
  • [  ] Gloves
  • [  ] Hat
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Shelter:
  • [  ] Sleeping bag
  • [  ] Space blanket
  • [  ] Duct Tape
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Energy:
  • [  ] Chemical hand warmers
  • [  ] Flashlight (wind-up type will not need batteries)
  • [  ] Waterproof matches
  • [  ] Candle
  • [  ] Portable stove
  • [  ] Extra fuel for portable stove
  • [  ] Rechargeable batteries
  • [  ] Solar battery charger
  • [  ] Disposable lighter
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Health care/Hygiene:
  • [  ] First Aid kit
  • [  ] Activated charcoal capsules
  • [  ] Tweezers
  • [  ] Lip balm with sunscreen
  • [  ] Vitamin supplements
  • [  ] Soap
  • [  ] Wash cloth
  • [  ] Towel
  • [  ] Insect repellent
  • [  ] Scissors
  • [  ] Mole skins
  • [  ] Prescription drugs/herbal medicines
  • [  ] Toothbrush
  • [  ] Personal items
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] Pepper spray, Chemical Mace, Taser or stun gun
  • [  ] Firearm where appropriate and extra ammunition
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Communication:
  • [  ] Address book (including phone numbers of friends, neighbors and family members)
  • [  ] Cell phone
  • [  ] Charger for cell phone
  • [  ] Portable radio (wind-up type will not need batteries)
  • [  ] Emergency flasher
  • [  ] Notebook and pencil
  • [  ] Signaling mirror
  • [  ] Whistle
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Waste disposal:
  • [  ] Plastic bags
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Money:
  • [  ] Cash
  • [  ] Credit/debit cards
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Social:
  • [  ] Playing cards
  • [  ] Games
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Transportation:
  • [  ] Walking shoes
  • [  ] Compass
  • [  ] Area maps
  • [  ] Passport/Driver's license
  • [  ] Backpack to put all of the above in
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • Miscellaneous:
  • [  ] Fishing kit
  • [  ] Extra eyeglasses
  • [  ] Sunglasses
  • [  ] Binoculars
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
  • [  ] _________________________________
This list is just a suggestion for what you need to plan on and for how many people you need to plan for , adjust this list pertaining to each ones needs .

A good place to begin would be with and reviewing what items are offered and what meets your needs and criteria for survival and emergency preparedness.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Different Perspective

Wall Street brokers , Bond traders and Securities Brokers are all very ecstatic as once again the Dow breaks 18000 , a lot of money moving from here to there and all the while we as a nation and people are being told " don't worry , everything's fine , just look at the Dow jones." My perspective is that of American vets homeless on the streets , single mothers working 2 part time jobs and still needing welfare food stamps to feed their families. My perspective is college kids graduating with a life time debt to the U.S. government for student loans they'll never be able to pay off and interest accruing daily, yet illegals cross our borders and get free education without the stress of debt repayment, oh and those new graduates ? They just moved back in with mom and dad because they have no job to go to because they've been out sourced to another country so as to avoid paying U.S. taxes.

My perspective is families being displaced from their homes due to bank foreclosures because both adults have lost their jobs to non-Americans at a much lower wage scale. My perspective is the debtors prison if you default on credit card debt and yet again illegals are receiving free health care , a car , food stamps , tax payers money , and cell phones with no bills. My perspective is once eradicated diseases are now killing American children due to anti-biotics  not even having a effect on them , and admitted by the CDC are mutating and becoming even more contagious and lethal.

My perspective is that if you don't have triple A credit then that job you applied for you will not receive , my perspective is that credit ratings are more important than skills, education and experience. My perspective is that those who were elected to do the will of the American people are now arrogant and not listening, basically doing what ever catches their whim and fancy at the time.
My perspective is that if you voice any opinion or concern you are labeled as racist and far left wing with no understanding of what is best for the community as a collective.

My perspective is that food prices are ever soaring putting decent non-GMO food out of reach of those who are actually concerned about their families and loved ones health. My perspective is that now on a daily basis you cannot watch or read the news without seeing or hearing about contaminated water or food. my perspective is that if you try to grow your own healthy food you can expect a visit from some government agency with a S.W.A.T. team and either are jailed or fined for not being government regulated. Usually both.

My perspective is that a $20.00 bill is now the new one dollar bill , and it doesn't buy much.
My perspective is that our seniors are being hit the hardest with medication cost increase and co-pays, our revered elders who suffered and fought so that we could have a better life are now betrayed and considered to be useless and more trouble than their worth, a wealth of knowledge and experience ignored and disrespected.

My perspective is that only 1% of people and not all are Americans are the ones who are enjoying and reaping the benefits of the great recovery President Obama keeps telling us, my perspective that the job market President keeps telling us about are only 20 hour work weeks at minimum wage.
My perspective is that those who are eating well and drinking clean water are worried for good cause about the masses arising in anger and frustration , why else have a " bug out " location that can only be reached by air plane ? Question , how do you resupply your spent resources ? And who protects you from the armed body guards you have protecting you and your families when resources are low and you can't resupply ?

My perspective is that it's all a lie on such a grand scheme that sooner than anyone can know it's going to collapse and only then can we restore this once great nation, and that's my perspective.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What is Freedom

Freedom may have a different meaning to someone who does not live in America , for example it may mean not having to fear being killed or enslaved in a African or mid east country. Here in America Freedom means The Constitution and The Bill of rights , both the basis and foundation of our country. Both were paid for in blood , both have been protected thru the years by those who refused to wear the yoke of tyranny . So what is freedom in America in the year of out Lord 2015 ? It is the NSA , DHS , FBI and numerous other quasi legal authorities spying at every turn on those Americans via internet spying , illegal phone taps and out right video monitoring . The U.S. Supreme Court has all but gutted our 2 most important documents leaving Americans to fight on a daily basis for their hard won freedoms, no knock warrants , illegal stops and searches , asset forfeiture just on suspicion with no evidence of wrong doing . Then if you can afford justice you may be vindicated. Our country has been taken over by corporate greed  that has bought the politicians in Washington D.C. as well as corrupt leaders and people in mineral rich nations . Freedom is a sweet word that should be protected at all costs , defended daily , promoted amongst family, friends and neighbors. Sadly that is far from the truth. Pastors in Churches are telling their congregations to spy and inform on their fellow citizens , DHS promotes " if you see something , say something." David Crowley was murdered for his revealing concept trailer The Gray State , hedge fund managers are suddenly committing suicide , investigative reporters being spied upon and computers hacked into , wall street running rampant and unchecked with tax payers money. Don't protest or you'll be arrested , so much for right to redress , don't voice anti government policies , you'll be arrested and held without access to legal counsel , and this is of course for own good. Freedom ? The movement to remove guns and ammunition from the American public is the governments fear of the people revolting , When the people fear the government you have tyranny, when government fears the people you have democracy. Freedom , the sweet ring of that sound that swells your heart as you look at your children and whisper a silent thanks for their health and safety. Freedom in America is now but a distant dream , something that complacent people watched slip away all for the greater good , those who are afraid to lose their creature comforts aided in it's death. Freedom of speech is a thing of the past , if you voice your opinion that offends a person or group you can be arrested and sued , if you profess a faith in a religion someone doesn't like you can be labeled a racist and sued , so no more Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion that our founding fathers fought so hard for. If you have an American flag , cherish it , treasure it and protect it , for one day it will be a crime to own one as it will represent an idea and dream we once had and enjoyed , Freedom.