Sunday, February 21, 2016


Here we are in the midst of a world wide economic fire storm , that is touching all factions and class of lives. From the part time minimum wage employee that boosts the governments a.k.a President Obama's narrative that unemployment is down and everything is going great. Thousands of former gas and oil field workers would loudly disagree , not to mention the newly informed 1,400 who were just told that their jobs are going to Mexico. So in a sense Obama is correct , jobs are looking up , for Mexico. I digress , so let's get to the meat of the matter if you will .

Without Rule of law (1)

There are those who have said we should be wary and keep our eyes open for the first sign of our country operating " without rule of law " , well that ship has sailed and that's exactly where we are at today not tomorrow. I offer the recent case of 2 ranchers in Burns Oregon who were sentenced to prison for allegedly burning federal property to cover up poaching , really ? Seriously ? The father and son did in fact serve federal prison time , however upon their release the federal prosecutor felt they did not serve enough prison time and asked a judge to send them back. Pause and think on that for just a moment . Add to that the father and son were charged with a crime that was made to prosecute those who commit terrorist acts , burning land to cover up poaching ? Charged under terrorist act law ? No violation of constitutional rights here , move along folks.

Without Rule of Law (2)

Ranchers in 2 different states and locations now have lost their lands to the Bureau of Land Management , for the sake of sustainability. Also several times BLM persons have been caught on video laughing and bragging about how they took land away from people up to and including military vets. Also add to that the BLM and EPA have joined forces to ensure that " citizens" now know that all water belongs to the federal government , collect rain water in barrels for usage at your peril even if it's on your own private land. If you look at the per centage of land the BLM has grabbed in the Southwest and Western Untied States it really boggles the mind but does beg the question , why is all that land being taken ? Look to the East. That land is now promised to China by Obama and the Clinton foundation , all one needs do is to " follow " the money. Flint Michigan has to pay for poisoned water , and yet Nestle gets to drain water from the Great Lakes to sell on store shelves.

Without Rule of Law (3)
Our country was built on the premise that all men were created equal and our founding fathers did all they could think of to protect the new America, hence the Bill Of Rights and our Constitution. Now there are those who say it's time to abolish some of those amendments up to and including doing away with the Constitution altogether , Hillary Clinton for one. The First Amendment is now gone , say something someone doesn't like or disagrees with and you could lose your job ,get cited and pay a fine up to imprisonment . You now need approval by a government agency and a permit but only so long as it goes with governmental narrative ideology , if you do otherwise you do so at great risk. Gary Webb exposed the C.I.A. for dealing crack cocaine to fund the Contras in South America ,  David Crowley who started the movie " The Gray State " dead , Justice Antonin Scalia dead after making the statement " what can Obama do to me ? " , well he got his answer. Justice Scalia was a staunch believer and supporter of the Constitution as written and blocked President Obama almost at every turn of his illegal executive orders. If a Supreme Court Justice isn't safe , who is really ?

Without Rule of Law (4)
Our Constitution as written
It absolutely guarantee's states rights , no question. From old English law the Sheriff elect is the highest law in the land of each county , not state police , not the F.B.I. , not D.H.S. but the Sheriff. Now again the government is targeting those Sheriff's who have publicly stated they will stop federal over reach of any federal agents against their citizens , up and including arresting them. Each day more Sheriff's are asking and telling citizens to arm themselves . Those who oppose Obama and the liberals are being targeted with smear campaigns and one in Oregon is being " Investigated " for being a part of the stand off at the wildlife refuge center. There is even a call to remove his certification as a peace officer , all because he talked with Ammon Bundy and wanted a peaceful resolution. Lavoy Finicum was murdered plain and simple , watch the video and anyone with police or military experience will tell you that was a take down tactic pure and simple , not an arrest tactic. That Sheriff wanted a truly peaceful ending not blood shed , I believe he would have done so however the federal government had to send a message; oppose us and you die.

Without Rule of Law (5)
Court System
If you have had the misfortune of being brought into either civil or criminal court woe unto to you , regardless if you have factual documentation your innocent , by the very nature that your standing there you are guilty of some offense. Wether your innocent or not depends on a lot of factors; wealth, political connections or contributions , gender , race and political party. The death of Justice Scalia was a clear and immediate message , fall in line or this could be you ! Rights and laws only apply if you have a lot of money to grease the wheels of justice . If your what is deemed a minority your guilty , if your poor , your guilty , if your a liberal trans-gender well your just being picked on , if your " safe space " was violated , well then the offender must be dealt with swiftly and harshly to remind others not to do it. Suck it up Nancy ! All one needs do is look at the news media , there's a joke, and even the blind can see it . There is NO TRUTH in media . So again tell me what signs is one supposed to be wary of for the hint of No Rule Of Law ?

In conclusion I would remind even the densest of minds that those who discovered that vaccines caused Autism are now dead , those who discovered a direct link from vaccines to Cancer are now dead , those who blew the whistle on government corruption , are now dead . I am a firm believer of dying on my feet , not kneeling as a slave. There is no rule of law folks and hasn't been for quite some time , we as a nation and people need to put aside old hatreds and wrongs , stand together as one people , one nation as did our fore fathers or else we will perish as slaves to our elitist masters. History is rife with this happening time and again , remember " stand together or swing alone."

1 comment:

  1. Youmake very valid points and observations. We as Americans, and people all around the world would be smart to read these words and really think about them. Is this the world we want to allow to continue, or do we want a better place for our children and grandchildren? Being informed and coming out of the dark is the very first defense we have. Thank you for caring enough to turn on some lights for many who are trying to come out of the dark holes they have found themselves in.
