Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome to the Matrix

It's the Matrix : A.K.A. The Myth Of Wealth
Op-Ed Your not in The Club
So you see expensive cars , costly homes of the rich and famous as well as the infamous , clothes made with literally child slave labor that costs more than their yearly salary and think " I wish I was rich". Spoiler alert , it's an illusion and those people are not rich , also known as the Matrix.
Bill gates billionaire , Zuckerberg Billionaire , Soros , Koch brothers and the list goes on and on , however I'm wondering where this actual money is ? Do they have a vault hidden away somewhere ? Is there a secret bank with actual physical cash or gold ? Where is all the wealth actually located ? Another spoiler alert , it's not real and only a digitized sheet of paper with numbers on it.
That said same wealth will vanish in the blink of an eye with a system wide computer crash , total economic failure , natural or man made disaster. When world stock markets hit 3% of loss suddenly an obscure rule kicks in to halt all trading world wide , except for those whose retirements a.k.a. 401's , annuities , I.R.A. accounts of the average blue collar worker . Those accounts are then raided of it's assets to offset the losses of the " Blue Chip " investors , you know Wall Street bankers and Investment Brokers , and you then receive a report that your accounts took losses due to " market Fluctuation ". In case you've been asleep the last 2 years congress passed a law allowing banks to " Bail In " and declaring that the money is in fact not yours but assets of the bank, also known as the " Bail in."
What, wait , what do you mean it's not mine ??? That's right folks you don't own squat ! As I've stated before the American dollar now has the equivalent value in gold of 1/1000th of a gram of gold , do your OWN due diligence research and fact checking , I am not going to spoon feed anyone. Your a grown man/woman and as a adult you should be informed , unless you prefer to be a sheeple. I digress, forgive me. You don't own your house , you don't own your car , the water that pools on your land from rain, yep you got it , you don't own that either . The very air you breathe isn't yours either , want proof ? Fire up your grill and GOD help you if it's wood or charcoal !Many states now have " Code Enforcement " that will pay you a visit and inform you that your violating city statues because the " odor " is leaving your property , your polluting because your releasing carbon emissions into the air in violation of U.N. " Declarations signed by John Kerry . Quick call Tom Currrey there's blight and polluters running amok , we can't have this !!! It's total anarchy !
The automotive industry went to congress and petitioned for a law that was indeed passed , the technology that is used in modern day auto's is now considered " Propietry and Intellectual Property" , car has built in GPS ? Doesn't belong to you . Car has the digital brain that can be hacked , doesn't belong to you. Car has cameras with back up screens so you don't run over little Johnny ? Doesn't belong to you. The only thing you own is the debt for a car that you don't own , way to go Detroit ! As a side note I have several bridges and dams for sale for those with extra cash that doesn't belong to them. Now these autos that you don't own must be kept in top of the line condition or else your to going to receive a multitude of fines , the inspection systems vary from state to state as do the inspection fees. Now no one wants to drive around in a car that might get you hurt or killed , I agree on that. Carbon emissions from fossil fuel is a problem as well , however the means to control these emissions is an easy fix but the auto industry won't use the technology because it cuts into revenue on autos that you don't own. Hence government push to get rid of autos that cannot be shut down remotely by police , that cannot be located by spy systems used by the D.H.S., F.B.I. and local police. Oh and remember , your new T.V. , yeah the one with all the gizmos and gadets that has all the coolest apps , don't forget that also spies for big brother so watch your language !
Nice house , and only at 8% interest rate , way to go. It's not yours! Is your grass 6 inches or higher , your in trouble. Do you have a garden ? Better not be a veggie garden and only flowers on the approved list or else fined severely. Nice bass boat , don't even think of parking in your drive way or on your property. How dare you put up a wooden decorative fence , and by the way where is your permit ? Humm ? Why does your house have off white vinyl siding in this neighborhood ? What were you thinking ? Excuse me , but I have to cite you as your drapes are not in compliance with city statues , we only allow see thro and white not mauve, you go before magistrate Haggerty Tuesday at 9 a.m. don't be late. Why is your grass RYE grass ? Can't you see everybody else's ? Another citation , and thank you for supporting city government citizen. Why do you have 3 vehicles in your driveway and only 2 people live here ? Um excuse me , your only allowed X amount visitors a month and only on weekends from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and only 4 days out of the month. See you next Thursday at the Magistrates office , bring your Debit card NO CHECKS! David Cooperfield has nothing on these illusionists !
You see your in the matrix that is so vast it is all encompassing , worldwide and there are those who will do anything to protect it . Hillary Clinton also known as Killary. The afore mentioned billionaires , those on the entitlement teat and those who think themselves as members of the club as they are low level Bureaucrats . Those same low level matrix dwellers failing to realize their only tools being used and are not actually in the club , talk about a rude awakening. look around with new eyes , ask questions , do research and fact checking , but only if you are strong mentally , otherwise it's really worse than you thought.
Why ? Because it's only an illusion , the Matrix and YOUR not in the club.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dear Millennials and Liberals

                                                              Actual Facts will be used

Let's talk about reality shall we ? If facts violate your safe space quit reading now , if actual facts offend you quit reading now , if you deem actual facts as racism you really need to quit reading now.

Economics : You really need to get away from Common Core

You have a large percent of the population who have worked and do work their entire lives , putting money into Social Programs that has been and is deducted from their pay checks. These monies go into Social Security , SNAP , Medicare and Medicaid , Subsidized housing , SSI and SSDI to just name a few. Now you have hundreds of thousands " refugees " who are claiming and receiving benefits that never worked for or paid into , actual cases of the I.R.S. paying out returns to illegals in the thousands for dependents who never lived with them , one such case is a Mexican who received $40,000.00 thousand dollars in one lump sum as he was allowed to go back 3 years to claim them. It's just been reported the 879,000 illegals were given tax credits that they were not entitled to , while at the same time those actually working seen tax rate hikes and NO tax credits. It's now a fact that Social Security will run out of money , that you are paying into by the way , before you retire. Even if you use Common Core math it doesn't add up . Millions of dollars paid out to those who didn't earn it and here illegally -  ( that's a minus ) hundreds of thousands of dollars paid into by American citizens who don't have off shore accounts or tax shelters = Broke . AHHH but you have stock portfolios and IRA'S for retirement and some cash put away for a rainy day , awesome, good thinking. Spoiler alert , the BMI index has crashed , for those who don't know BMI is used to measure the import of goods for resale in our markets . From cargo ships to trucking , to rail way shipments , guess what ? It's dropped to lower than what it was in 1929 it's at 65.00 , what does this have to do with you ? Retailers warehouses are full , retailers are not ordering goods , few cargo ships and tankers are loaded or moving , basically people are not spending money on new items. As for your stock portfolio and I.R.A. , well that petty much speaks for itself , don't look unless you have stock in Tylenol , you'll need it .By the way 71% of illegals are on welfare , they get free top of the line health care that YOUR paying for as well as their Obama phone.
Based on socio-demographic characteristics, we estimate that 51.8 percent of households with children headed by a legal immigrant used at least one welfare program in 2009, compared to 71 percent for illegal immigrant households.

Gun Control ; Everyone's favorite topic

Hate to burst your bubble but let's keep it real shall we ? When your population area is high in percentile of any ethnic race , that's going to be the highest percentile of those in jail for committing crimes . Doesn't matter if it's an all white , or Latino or yes even Black neighborhood . Yeah I said it !  This idea that white privilege is the root of all evil is bogus from the start ! Is there racism ? Absolutely. An individual person has choices to make and they alone are responsible for those choices and actions , not what has been done and is now history. " But the white man keeps me down " , really ? When you would rather sell drugs , rob people , break into peoples homes , car jack people and join gangs to get a pocket full of cash , that is solely on you and you alone. Personally I believe we need all citizens to open carry , do away with " gun free zones " , watch how quickly crime rate drops. Criminals like their victims to be unarmed and afraid , their cowards basically that prey on the defenseless. When YOUR attacked or robbed , what's better a cop on the phone or a gun in your hand ?

Hunting; Why I'm not a Vegan
I didn't evolve to the top of the food chain just to be a vegan ! Our soil is polluted , our water is polluted , our food from mass marketers is polluted , but I know that deer , turkey and wild hog I hunt isn't. Also we as stewart's and care takers of this planet we call home we have a responsibility that we are failing in. The food chain is a very delicate one and when you try to control , manipulate and alter it not good things begin to happen. Antibiotics added to food grains for feeder stock , enhancing cows to produce more milk than they are supposed to , enhancing beef cattle to be bigger and fatter for more beef , altering natural food crops like Corn, soy , Wheat and other vegetables has caused a host of problems. Little girls developing breasts of 36D and having periods at 9 years old , viruses not responding to medicines because their immune due to mutation , more cases of children with stomach and bone cancers as well as Autism. We've taken away large portions of habitat for wildlife for development of " secluded " neighborhoods " for the wealthy , felling mass amounts of trees to clear the way for housing projects that nobody can afford , and you wonder why there are ever more human to wildlife contact ? I hunt for food not sport , I hunt to keep wildlife population herds healthy, I hunt because I know my food isn't poisoned by chemicals , I also hunt to feed those who don't have food or can't afford a heathy diet. By the way deer meat is the leanest meat you can eat and it's protein levels are higher than beef , and for those who go " awww poor Bambi " , who killed the steer that provided that steak your eating ? At least I do my own killing! There is a place for all God's creatures , right next to the taters and gravy. Pass the biscuts please.

Education; Common Core for dummies

When I went to school 4+4= 8 , 3 x 6 = 18 , 24 / ( divided ) by 2 = 12 and so on , now kids are being told it is by consensus what the answer is , wait what ? Look at your kids home work , basic logic and thinking has been removed from a child's education. In plain terms reasoning skills , without which your not going to go far. History is being rewritten so as not offend anyone , are you kidding me ? There were 3,000 BLACK plantation owners who had slaves , I know those pesky facts offend you. Our founding fathers are now racists because they owned slaves , I'm curious tho , how many of you know how many founding fathers not only educated their slaves but freed them ? Again pesky facts get in the way and offend. Using good old trust worthy skills like reasoning , reading , FACT checking you will find those slaves were taught to read , write , do math so as to be able to be self sufficient and able to be self productive. What a concept , mayhap it could catch on ? Fredrick Douglas a great man in our history is only brought out during Black history month and that is a real shame , if one was to actually research him you would know more than the teachers who shove Common Core down the throats of our kids. How many Presidents did we have before George Washington ? No it's not a trick question , but again not being taught . How did the French help the Colonies win their freedom from British rule ? Not being taught. The American Indian or for those who are politically correct " native American's , where did they migrate from ? Nope not being taught , just poof here they are and the evil white man destroyed them. Anyone care to hazard a guess about Spain's role in our country's development ? I am a relic from the past as I use actual books , not the internet to research on history, sadly a lost art. To be clear tho , those " racist " founding fathers did everything they could to insure EVERYONE'S right to free speech , liberty and security in their person and their homes , show me another country that goes to such lengths ?

These are but a few of the ills of our society as there are a host of others , and how did we get here ? It's nobody's fault., that's right , no one is to blame or responsible. Kids receive awards just for showing up , your kid doesn't have the latest game system , tennis shoes or brand name clothes , their marred for life and under privileged . If your son say's he's a girl you better support that or else , if you disagree with someone's opinion your a racist , if you actually work for a living woe unto you , your a freak and need to be watched carefully. If your not on some form of medication and your under 35 , you really need to be watched closely. If you call someone out on bad behavior your a bully , and for Pete's please quit violating someone's " safe " space that offends them and makes them uncomfortable , it's just UNAmerican and " not who we are !

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Here we are in the midst of a world wide economic fire storm , that is touching all factions and class of lives. From the part time minimum wage employee that boosts the governments a.k.a President Obama's narrative that unemployment is down and everything is going great. Thousands of former gas and oil field workers would loudly disagree , not to mention the newly informed 1,400 who were just told that their jobs are going to Mexico. So in a sense Obama is correct , jobs are looking up , for Mexico. I digress , so let's get to the meat of the matter if you will .

Without Rule of law (1)

There are those who have said we should be wary and keep our eyes open for the first sign of our country operating " without rule of law " , well that ship has sailed and that's exactly where we are at today not tomorrow. I offer the recent case of 2 ranchers in Burns Oregon who were sentenced to prison for allegedly burning federal property to cover up poaching , really ? Seriously ? The father and son did in fact serve federal prison time , however upon their release the federal prosecutor felt they did not serve enough prison time and asked a judge to send them back. Pause and think on that for just a moment . Add to that the father and son were charged with a crime that was made to prosecute those who commit terrorist acts , burning land to cover up poaching ? Charged under terrorist act law ? No violation of constitutional rights here , move along folks.

Without Rule of Law (2)

Ranchers in 2 different states and locations now have lost their lands to the Bureau of Land Management , for the sake of sustainability. Also several times BLM persons have been caught on video laughing and bragging about how they took land away from people up to and including military vets. Also add to that the BLM and EPA have joined forces to ensure that " citizens" now know that all water belongs to the federal government , collect rain water in barrels for usage at your peril even if it's on your own private land. If you look at the per centage of land the BLM has grabbed in the Southwest and Western Untied States it really boggles the mind but does beg the question , why is all that land being taken ? Look to the East. That land is now promised to China by Obama and the Clinton foundation , all one needs do is to " follow " the money. Flint Michigan has to pay for poisoned water , and yet Nestle gets to drain water from the Great Lakes to sell on store shelves.

Without Rule of Law (3)
Our country was built on the premise that all men were created equal and our founding fathers did all they could think of to protect the new America, hence the Bill Of Rights and our Constitution. Now there are those who say it's time to abolish some of those amendments up to and including doing away with the Constitution altogether , Hillary Clinton for one. The First Amendment is now gone , say something someone doesn't like or disagrees with and you could lose your job ,get cited and pay a fine up to imprisonment . You now need approval by a government agency and a permit but only so long as it goes with governmental narrative ideology , if you do otherwise you do so at great risk. Gary Webb exposed the C.I.A. for dealing crack cocaine to fund the Contras in South America ,  David Crowley who started the movie " The Gray State " dead , Justice Antonin Scalia dead after making the statement " what can Obama do to me ? " , well he got his answer. Justice Scalia was a staunch believer and supporter of the Constitution as written and blocked President Obama almost at every turn of his illegal executive orders. If a Supreme Court Justice isn't safe , who is really ?

Without Rule of Law (4)
Our Constitution as written
It absolutely guarantee's states rights , no question. From old English law the Sheriff elect is the highest law in the land of each county , not state police , not the F.B.I. , not D.H.S. but the Sheriff. Now again the government is targeting those Sheriff's who have publicly stated they will stop federal over reach of any federal agents against their citizens , up and including arresting them. Each day more Sheriff's are asking and telling citizens to arm themselves . Those who oppose Obama and the liberals are being targeted with smear campaigns and one in Oregon is being " Investigated " for being a part of the stand off at the wildlife refuge center. There is even a call to remove his certification as a peace officer , all because he talked with Ammon Bundy and wanted a peaceful resolution. Lavoy Finicum was murdered plain and simple , watch the video and anyone with police or military experience will tell you that was a take down tactic pure and simple , not an arrest tactic. That Sheriff wanted a truly peaceful ending not blood shed , I believe he would have done so however the federal government had to send a message; oppose us and you die.

Without Rule of Law (5)
Court System
If you have had the misfortune of being brought into either civil or criminal court woe unto to you , regardless if you have factual documentation your innocent , by the very nature that your standing there you are guilty of some offense. Wether your innocent or not depends on a lot of factors; wealth, political connections or contributions , gender , race and political party. The death of Justice Scalia was a clear and immediate message , fall in line or this could be you ! Rights and laws only apply if you have a lot of money to grease the wheels of justice . If your what is deemed a minority your guilty , if your poor , your guilty , if your a liberal trans-gender well your just being picked on , if your " safe space " was violated , well then the offender must be dealt with swiftly and harshly to remind others not to do it. Suck it up Nancy ! All one needs do is look at the news media , there's a joke, and even the blind can see it . There is NO TRUTH in media . So again tell me what signs is one supposed to be wary of for the hint of No Rule Of Law ?

In conclusion I would remind even the densest of minds that those who discovered that vaccines caused Autism are now dead , those who discovered a direct link from vaccines to Cancer are now dead , those who blew the whistle on government corruption , are now dead . I am a firm believer of dying on my feet , not kneeling as a slave. There is no rule of law folks and hasn't been for quite some time , we as a nation and people need to put aside old hatreds and wrongs , stand together as one people , one nation as did our fore fathers or else we will perish as slaves to our elitist masters. History is rife with this happening time and again , remember " stand together or swing alone."

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The End of Rome

Well here we are 2 weeks into the new year and already that shinning light of hope is fading fast , and to what do we owe this to ? Don't look to Washington D.C. as all you will get is hype from the party line , lied to , manipulated numbers and facts that have no basis in reality. Let's be real for a moment , gun violence is actually down according to law enforcement , unemployment is up and absolutely higher than 5% as our leaders in D.C. would us believe. Been food shopping lately ? You do so at your own peril as now , those who supply our food in markets are no longer required to label the origin of said food supply. Wonder why ? Let's take real cold sober look at the real State of The Union.

The Baltic Dry index is almost zero , meaning retail markets are not ordering goods . Bad news for China. The items that you must have aren't coming because retailers aren't placing orders , why ? Because Americans aren't spending and buying these items , why ? Because they don't have the money. On average 55% of net income is going to pay housing costs , now factor in utilities , food , health care , and a car, guess what ? Your broke before you even get out of bed. Now factor in 2 to 3 children in the home and it's even worse , and that is with 2 adults in the household working full time.

Employment; if you have a job that is. More and more jobs are going to H1B and H2B " immigrants " , just ask Disney employees. Most employers are cutting back on employees to save money , when they do so , those lucky enough to still be employed have increased duties but not increased pay or benefits. It is easier for an employer to fire someone now as the National Labor Relations Board has become pro employer and most protections of employees are now gone, so shut up and do what your told and be thankful they let you stay on.

Health care: You are now penalized if you don't have Obamacare . Now bear in mind Obamacare was to make health care affordable to everyone , we see how that worked out. Doctors and nurses country wide will tell you what a sham and mistake it is , but if you don't have it then you get a heavy penalty at tax time. If Obamacare is so great why have so many exchanges gone down ?

Corruption ; Hilary Clinton was and is involved in the biggest scandals this country has ever seen . Senator Stevens and his staff were murdered because of her , think for a moment of all the natural resources that come out of Africa besides oil and diamonds. Now follow the money to the Clinton foundation. Hillary Clinton was engaged with persons it was illegal by U.S. law to do business with via middle men doing straw purchases , those same people and entities involved in terrorism. At this point the F.B.I. is investigating emails and who knew what when. How about cell phone calls ? How about digging into Huma's records , her personal aid and known to associate with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hillary Clinton is only the tip of the iceberg as Ambassador Stevens discovered , hence his murder , Corruption in D.C. and Wall Street is as I said rampant.

Guns, Guns, everywhere ! They sure are and they are going to stay. Unless the federal government out right attacks, the American people are not going to give up their guns. I grieve for the families who lost loved ones to gun violence, I really do. However let's use common sense and existing laws not tyranny, the Constitution is in place for a reason. Chicago , go after gang members as hard targets. With all the spyware out their law enforcement knows who has the guns , who the gang members are, but wait for it . The liberals and A.C.L.U. says that evidence can't be used because it targets " people of color ," ok so be it , keep racking up bodies . Then there are the " all cops are bad " people , as with any group you do have your good and your bad. When you have a high percentile of an ethnic group concentrated in one area, guess what ? That's going to be the same ratio of those arrested and placed in jail regardless of ethnic origins, example East L.A. , high concentration of Latino's, take a wild guess how high the percentage is of Latino's arrested in East L.A. ? I'm not picking on Latino's , just an example.

Immigration; No such thing.
Our borders are wide open and you don't dare say anything otherwise your a bigot , racist and host of other things. Our kids now have to learn Islam in public schools but can't pray because it offends Muslims. Our kids get suspended and sent home because they wore a shirt with an American flag and it offended Muslims , our Christian holidays are getting renamed because it offends every body. BUT hate rhetoric is allowed by the same ones who decry they are offended , so we as Americans have lost our right to Freedom of speech because it offends , yet others are allowed to do the same with fear of punishment or being labeled. I don't hate Muslims , I hate pedophiles , I hate female genital mutilation , I hate a woman can be raped because she was dressed " immodestly " , or stoned to death because she was raped. Look at the crimes against women in this country since the large influx of " Syrian " refugees " , it's pretty much kept quiet in main stream media , and how many are actually prosecuted ? Ladies better a gun in hand than 911 on the phone.

Food Supply; I called this a year ago

The food markets have less food on the shelves than they ever had , prices of meats have soared and forget about fresh veggies. Again you have to take out of your budget for housing to eat. With the Stock Market in near free fall it is only a matter of "when" and not "if " when the whole system breaks down, then what ? There are not enough food stores to feed this nation , nor is there enough water. The popular thought is that it would take 72 hours for society to break down , think again. In the event of a total break down you will be lucky to have 24 hours , bad actors , out right thugs and most likely those wearing uniforms will be coming for what you may have stored in case of an emergency. If you are a prepper , quit broadcasting on face book , Twitter and YouTube , your just making yourself a target. Stock piling gold and silver ? Why ? You can't eat it. The average price of CHEAP ground beef is $5.00 a pound , and that's the cheap stuff swept up off the floor. In large cities like N.Y., L.A., Chicago , Miami, Detroit , Pittsburgh and a host of others , once the system does it's complete crash we will be literally Mad Max , as it is going to be survival of the fittest.

ROME: The Mighty Empire

Rome was the greatest power that ever came to be , and while bloody and violent it brought us some modern day  things we use every day , medicine, building materials , math and much more . However as mighty as it was , it couldn't stop it's down fall due to corruption , greed , no morals , ethics or values. It was the first to try " multiculturalism " and it failed. Now here in 2016 we are modern day ROME and have learned nothing from the lessons of history; Power and Money in the hands of a few elitists , to many people not enough jobs , not enough food , not enough water and not enough housing , controlled by a police state to keep you in line and follow the narrative . So when will all of this collapse ? Who knows? I believe it's a good bet it isn't far off as we have militaries around the world lining up along borders, we have street justice breaking out world wide because governments aren't doing their jobs and lastly we have forsaken God , to those who don't believe in God that is your right and I support it , however you don't have the right to tell me I can't, why else did our founding fathers put it into all or founding documents. Alas Rome the eternal city has fallen !