Tuesday, March 28, 2017

2 Cups of Coffee

OP-ED : 2 cups of coffee

My day usually starts at 5 a.m. , on weekends I am lazy and sleep until the late hour of 7 a.m. , after my wake up routine I get my first cup of coffee and then peruse the news globally , all in the hopes that somewhere somehow mankind has shown kindness , warmth and caring for fellow human beings.

As well as this site I am on another site that allows me to talk with other people across the world and get real time news and events , some of these people do so at peril to their own lives . You see they live in tyrannical countries where every move is watched , every word listened to , all aspects of their daily lives under close scrutiny to insure they are not subversive " to the people ."

I hear about people who don't have food , any food , and they literally subside on what they can forage . In a lot of instances it is pretty gross , not to mention the dangers to their health and lives. Parents go without eating to give what little they have to their starving children , sanitation is nothing more than a dream to them. The idea of clean water is a sincere wish and desire , hope for them no longer springs eternal.

Then I talk with those who do have it slightly better , however slightly is a huge over statement . You see they are lucky because they have jobs , some food , not scavenged out of trash , the street or rotting heap amassed awaiting pick up. You see they work 12 to 14 hours a day making things , from clothes to electronics , The Gap , XBOX , PlayStation , Apple , and even prepackaged food " stuffs" . All for the whopping rate of $30.00 a day , yes sir ree buddy living large now. Add to that while this adult is spending so much time in factories with poor ventilation , they are also sharing quality time with their kids age 9 and older . Yep they got their youngins a job to , ain't that awesome. Oh and better make your quota or Wal-Mart will cut back on it's orders and we'll have to let some of you go.

Don't be critical of the government or it's policies as you may wind up dead , or at the very least in prison at hard labor making consumer goods for American retailers . Family , friends , critics , disappear in the dead of night and no one seen or heard anything , later it's disclosed they had a " medical disorder " and are at a treatment facility until they are "better . In a lot of countries homelessness is a criminal act , it's ok to be homeless just not in public . If you require serious medical attention , well let us just say you have better odds of winning the power ball . If your women are raped or you are assaulted don't file a complaint or YOU will face charges for stirring up hate speech and inciting violence . If you have shelter , don't complain , even though it doesn't have heat and vermin infested . Hey at least your not homeless, quit complaining and be grateful your government is looking out for you , you ungrateful bastard !

2nd cup of coffee :

Global food shortages , one third of the pacific ocean contaminated by radiation , severe weather destroying cities , crops wiped out by weather , blight , and drought . Economic hardships across the globe so bad even the central bankers are worried and scared . Let us not forget the resurgence of bacteria and viruses that are now immune to medications .The implementation of Nazi era policies , death panels now here in the U.S.A. , corporations now decide who gets what type of health care and what type of treatment and last but not least there is actually no more rule of law . It's now the law of force !

My one ray of hope and sunshine ? I am not a sheeple , I am a prepper with a very shiny tin foil hat .

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What World are you living in ?

OP-ED : What world are you living in ?

This is strictly my perspective and opinions after 57 years of living on Gods masterpiece , for this writing I am not going to get into religious debate or arguments . It is my suggestion however that those who have become complacent reconsider , those who believe their sugar coated world need to wake up and take a good look around.

In 3 months 4 Russian diplomats close to President Valdimir Putin have died , 2 from " heart attacks " and 2 were out right shot . 1 in Turkey a Russian Federation ally , during an art exhibit and showing, one brazenly in Moscow . The fact that one had a sudden heart attack in New York City makes me very uneasy , especially AFTER his recent physical and there were no signs or indications of heart issues. This should raise alarm bells to even the most uninformed person across the United States as President Putin cannot allow these to go answered , meaning some one or more than likely some group has to answer for this and be held accountable . U.S. intel agencies are against President Trump , not giving him full disclosure , leaking intel to former Obama operatives and loyalists who then " leak " that to the news media.

At every turn Democrats and liberals are attacking President Trump and his administration , going after his appointees as well as those supporters who are vocal . Now the interesting thing here is , one of many , is that President Trump prefers Mar-A-Lago Florida over Camp David. What makes it interesting is main stream media never batted an eye on all the " vacations " the Obamas took , never covered what it actually cost tax payers when Michelle Obama and her daughters toured Europe on the tax payer dollar . Why ? Think on that a moment . If I were President Trump I would avoid Camp David at all costs , why ? What better place to kill a sitting President who can't even trust his own Secret Service detail ? Obama loyalists calling for the assignation of President Trump , as well as actors , singers , rappers and even some Democrat politicians , isn't that a crime some where , where you can be arrested ?

How about that crazy weather the west coast and Pacific Northwest is having ? First a seven year drought with no rain and snow packing in the upper elevations to OMG everyone out ! This is one of those interesting items I mentioned before . California has been building up to Calexit , leaving the Union as it were . They don't like President Trump , they don't like illegals being deported , they don't like anti drug laws barring Pot, weed , mary jane , blunts and so forth. However they do love tax payer dollars , they love all the federal aid they received during their 7 year drought . No matter who you are that does sound Biblical doesn't it ? 7 year drought ? Look at all the crimes committed by illegals in California , I'm not saying all ethnic back grounds are as pure as the driven snow , far from it. While the west coast liberals are worrying , crying and complaining about what was said , what wasn't said , from the white house they may wish to look to the future. As should you , why ? During the west coast drought produce prices went thru the roof and have not come down , so with all the wet weather in a region that for 7 years was "moisture deprived" ( was informed Drought is racist , not politically correct and displays white privilege  as well as not inclusive enough ) is being inundated with so much moisture that old dams are bursting , in danger of bursting , due to the fact those elected state officials decided to give infrastructure money to illegals for housing , food and health care. Not a single thought to the farm lands ! Get ready folks your grocery bill is about to take a serious cost increase , don't think so ? Go look at http://www.agweb.com/

minus red indicates loss to buyers that directly affects farmers , plus green only benefits buyers , not the farmer and especially not you. Bon Appetit .

Cashless society to stop drug trades ? RFID implants for children and Dementia patients ? Mandatory vaccines for children that cause autism , soon mandatory for adults ? HPV shots for young girls beginning at age 12 ? Might want to look at those side effects.
National identity card ? Papers Please , yes Mein Fuhrer . Civil asset forfeiture of cash , property and belongings while not being charged with a crime much less convicted. You have to have a permit to exercise your right to free speech , within 120 miles of the U.S. Border you can be stopped and searched with no probable cause , check that one out. Muslim immigration , Muslim invasion , look to Europe and especially France. If you have a child in school may God help you ! Any child who has displayed cognitive reasoning or independent thought is a trouble maker , has to be watched and drugged. We can't have an educated youth capable of thinking for themselves now can we ?

All of this could have been stopped , but wasn't . We as a nation were so worried about race , not saying mean words to each other , not triggering our poor college kids , being jealous and angry at the success of our neighbors , so much to the point we were blind to the venom in front of us as a whole. All of this " the economy is doing great , the stock market is awesome " , is nothing more than propaganda to keep sheeple distracted and blinded . When , not if the market does crash there are going to a lot of people hurt to the point of death . No food , no infrastructure and no rule of law except that of survival of the fittest . It's been said hind sight is 20/20 , the writing is on the wall and those who are awake know it , those who aren't awake might want to revisit human history as your about to receive a rude awakening.