Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome to the Matrix

It's the Matrix : A.K.A. The Myth Of Wealth
Op-Ed Your not in The Club
So you see expensive cars , costly homes of the rich and famous as well as the infamous , clothes made with literally child slave labor that costs more than their yearly salary and think " I wish I was rich". Spoiler alert , it's an illusion and those people are not rich , also known as the Matrix.
Bill gates billionaire , Zuckerberg Billionaire , Soros , Koch brothers and the list goes on and on , however I'm wondering where this actual money is ? Do they have a vault hidden away somewhere ? Is there a secret bank with actual physical cash or gold ? Where is all the wealth actually located ? Another spoiler alert , it's not real and only a digitized sheet of paper with numbers on it.
That said same wealth will vanish in the blink of an eye with a system wide computer crash , total economic failure , natural or man made disaster. When world stock markets hit 3% of loss suddenly an obscure rule kicks in to halt all trading world wide , except for those whose retirements a.k.a. 401's , annuities , I.R.A. accounts of the average blue collar worker . Those accounts are then raided of it's assets to offset the losses of the " Blue Chip " investors , you know Wall Street bankers and Investment Brokers , and you then receive a report that your accounts took losses due to " market Fluctuation ". In case you've been asleep the last 2 years congress passed a law allowing banks to " Bail In " and declaring that the money is in fact not yours but assets of the bank, also known as the " Bail in."
What, wait , what do you mean it's not mine ??? That's right folks you don't own squat ! As I've stated before the American dollar now has the equivalent value in gold of 1/1000th of a gram of gold , do your OWN due diligence research and fact checking , I am not going to spoon feed anyone. Your a grown man/woman and as a adult you should be informed , unless you prefer to be a sheeple. I digress, forgive me. You don't own your house , you don't own your car , the water that pools on your land from rain, yep you got it , you don't own that either . The very air you breathe isn't yours either , want proof ? Fire up your grill and GOD help you if it's wood or charcoal !Many states now have " Code Enforcement " that will pay you a visit and inform you that your violating city statues because the " odor " is leaving your property , your polluting because your releasing carbon emissions into the air in violation of U.N. " Declarations signed by John Kerry . Quick call Tom Currrey there's blight and polluters running amok , we can't have this !!! It's total anarchy !
The automotive industry went to congress and petitioned for a law that was indeed passed , the technology that is used in modern day auto's is now considered " Propietry and Intellectual Property" , car has built in GPS ? Doesn't belong to you . Car has the digital brain that can be hacked , doesn't belong to you. Car has cameras with back up screens so you don't run over little Johnny ? Doesn't belong to you. The only thing you own is the debt for a car that you don't own , way to go Detroit ! As a side note I have several bridges and dams for sale for those with extra cash that doesn't belong to them. Now these autos that you don't own must be kept in top of the line condition or else your to going to receive a multitude of fines , the inspection systems vary from state to state as do the inspection fees. Now no one wants to drive around in a car that might get you hurt or killed , I agree on that. Carbon emissions from fossil fuel is a problem as well , however the means to control these emissions is an easy fix but the auto industry won't use the technology because it cuts into revenue on autos that you don't own. Hence government push to get rid of autos that cannot be shut down remotely by police , that cannot be located by spy systems used by the D.H.S., F.B.I. and local police. Oh and remember , your new T.V. , yeah the one with all the gizmos and gadets that has all the coolest apps , don't forget that also spies for big brother so watch your language !
Nice house , and only at 8% interest rate , way to go. It's not yours! Is your grass 6 inches or higher , your in trouble. Do you have a garden ? Better not be a veggie garden and only flowers on the approved list or else fined severely. Nice bass boat , don't even think of parking in your drive way or on your property. How dare you put up a wooden decorative fence , and by the way where is your permit ? Humm ? Why does your house have off white vinyl siding in this neighborhood ? What were you thinking ? Excuse me , but I have to cite you as your drapes are not in compliance with city statues , we only allow see thro and white not mauve, you go before magistrate Haggerty Tuesday at 9 a.m. don't be late. Why is your grass RYE grass ? Can't you see everybody else's ? Another citation , and thank you for supporting city government citizen. Why do you have 3 vehicles in your driveway and only 2 people live here ? Um excuse me , your only allowed X amount visitors a month and only on weekends from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and only 4 days out of the month. See you next Thursday at the Magistrates office , bring your Debit card NO CHECKS! David Cooperfield has nothing on these illusionists !
You see your in the matrix that is so vast it is all encompassing , worldwide and there are those who will do anything to protect it . Hillary Clinton also known as Killary. The afore mentioned billionaires , those on the entitlement teat and those who think themselves as members of the club as they are low level Bureaucrats . Those same low level matrix dwellers failing to realize their only tools being used and are not actually in the club , talk about a rude awakening. look around with new eyes , ask questions , do research and fact checking , but only if you are strong mentally , otherwise it's really worse than you thought.
Why ? Because it's only an illusion , the Matrix and YOUR not in the club.