Thursday, January 14, 2016

The End of Rome

Well here we are 2 weeks into the new year and already that shinning light of hope is fading fast , and to what do we owe this to ? Don't look to Washington D.C. as all you will get is hype from the party line , lied to , manipulated numbers and facts that have no basis in reality. Let's be real for a moment , gun violence is actually down according to law enforcement , unemployment is up and absolutely higher than 5% as our leaders in D.C. would us believe. Been food shopping lately ? You do so at your own peril as now , those who supply our food in markets are no longer required to label the origin of said food supply. Wonder why ? Let's take real cold sober look at the real State of The Union.

The Baltic Dry index is almost zero , meaning retail markets are not ordering goods . Bad news for China. The items that you must have aren't coming because retailers aren't placing orders , why ? Because Americans aren't spending and buying these items , why ? Because they don't have the money. On average 55% of net income is going to pay housing costs , now factor in utilities , food , health care , and a car, guess what ? Your broke before you even get out of bed. Now factor in 2 to 3 children in the home and it's even worse , and that is with 2 adults in the household working full time.

Employment; if you have a job that is. More and more jobs are going to H1B and H2B " immigrants " , just ask Disney employees. Most employers are cutting back on employees to save money , when they do so , those lucky enough to still be employed have increased duties but not increased pay or benefits. It is easier for an employer to fire someone now as the National Labor Relations Board has become pro employer and most protections of employees are now gone, so shut up and do what your told and be thankful they let you stay on.

Health care: You are now penalized if you don't have Obamacare . Now bear in mind Obamacare was to make health care affordable to everyone , we see how that worked out. Doctors and nurses country wide will tell you what a sham and mistake it is , but if you don't have it then you get a heavy penalty at tax time. If Obamacare is so great why have so many exchanges gone down ?

Corruption ; Hilary Clinton was and is involved in the biggest scandals this country has ever seen . Senator Stevens and his staff were murdered because of her , think for a moment of all the natural resources that come out of Africa besides oil and diamonds. Now follow the money to the Clinton foundation. Hillary Clinton was engaged with persons it was illegal by U.S. law to do business with via middle men doing straw purchases , those same people and entities involved in terrorism. At this point the F.B.I. is investigating emails and who knew what when. How about cell phone calls ? How about digging into Huma's records , her personal aid and known to associate with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hillary Clinton is only the tip of the iceberg as Ambassador Stevens discovered , hence his murder , Corruption in D.C. and Wall Street is as I said rampant.

Guns, Guns, everywhere ! They sure are and they are going to stay. Unless the federal government out right attacks, the American people are not going to give up their guns. I grieve for the families who lost loved ones to gun violence, I really do. However let's use common sense and existing laws not tyranny, the Constitution is in place for a reason. Chicago , go after gang members as hard targets. With all the spyware out their law enforcement knows who has the guns , who the gang members are, but wait for it . The liberals and A.C.L.U. says that evidence can't be used because it targets " people of color ," ok so be it , keep racking up bodies . Then there are the " all cops are bad " people , as with any group you do have your good and your bad. When you have a high percentile of an ethnic group concentrated in one area, guess what ? That's going to be the same ratio of those arrested and placed in jail regardless of ethnic origins, example East L.A. , high concentration of Latino's, take a wild guess how high the percentage is of Latino's arrested in East L.A. ? I'm not picking on Latino's , just an example.

Immigration; No such thing.
Our borders are wide open and you don't dare say anything otherwise your a bigot , racist and host of other things. Our kids now have to learn Islam in public schools but can't pray because it offends Muslims. Our kids get suspended and sent home because they wore a shirt with an American flag and it offended Muslims , our Christian holidays are getting renamed because it offends every body. BUT hate rhetoric is allowed by the same ones who decry they are offended , so we as Americans have lost our right to Freedom of speech because it offends , yet others are allowed to do the same with fear of punishment or being labeled. I don't hate Muslims , I hate pedophiles , I hate female genital mutilation , I hate a woman can be raped because she was dressed " immodestly " , or stoned to death because she was raped. Look at the crimes against women in this country since the large influx of " Syrian " refugees " , it's pretty much kept quiet in main stream media , and how many are actually prosecuted ? Ladies better a gun in hand than 911 on the phone.

Food Supply; I called this a year ago

The food markets have less food on the shelves than they ever had , prices of meats have soared and forget about fresh veggies. Again you have to take out of your budget for housing to eat. With the Stock Market in near free fall it is only a matter of "when" and not "if " when the whole system breaks down, then what ? There are not enough food stores to feed this nation , nor is there enough water. The popular thought is that it would take 72 hours for society to break down , think again. In the event of a total break down you will be lucky to have 24 hours , bad actors , out right thugs and most likely those wearing uniforms will be coming for what you may have stored in case of an emergency. If you are a prepper , quit broadcasting on face book , Twitter and YouTube , your just making yourself a target. Stock piling gold and silver ? Why ? You can't eat it. The average price of CHEAP ground beef is $5.00 a pound , and that's the cheap stuff swept up off the floor. In large cities like N.Y., L.A., Chicago , Miami, Detroit , Pittsburgh and a host of others , once the system does it's complete crash we will be literally Mad Max , as it is going to be survival of the fittest.

ROME: The Mighty Empire

Rome was the greatest power that ever came to be , and while bloody and violent it brought us some modern day  things we use every day , medicine, building materials , math and much more . However as mighty as it was , it couldn't stop it's down fall due to corruption , greed , no morals , ethics or values. It was the first to try " multiculturalism " and it failed. Now here in 2016 we are modern day ROME and have learned nothing from the lessons of history; Power and Money in the hands of a few elitists , to many people not enough jobs , not enough food , not enough water and not enough housing , controlled by a police state to keep you in line and follow the narrative . So when will all of this collapse ? Who knows? I believe it's a good bet it isn't far off as we have militaries around the world lining up along borders, we have street justice breaking out world wide because governments aren't doing their jobs and lastly we have forsaken God , to those who don't believe in God that is your right and I support it , however you don't have the right to tell me I can't, why else did our founding fathers put it into all or founding documents. Alas Rome the eternal city has fallen !