Wednesday, August 12, 2015


So here we are in August of 2015 and the main stream media via the White House administration would have everyone believe everything is going so well , let us reason together at how well we are actually.

#1 The weather ; I am not going to delve into the arguments of climate change and government attempts at weather control or chem trails , but rather let us look at what has actually happened and is currently happening. The western United States has under gone severe drought and the forecast is no relief in the foreseeable future , crops are failing , a high number of farmers have not even bothered to plant crops due to the severe lack of water. So food prices are going up and will continue to do so , at the same time take a very serious look at your local super market shelves , notice that they are not as well stocked as they were once were ? Dry conditions with no food crops , dry conditions causing beef ranchers to either sell out completely or buy hay for feed as there is no feed grains for live stock.

#2 Food ; As previously stated food crops and feed animals are dwindling at a fast pace due to lack of water , however mass destruction of poultry has occurred due to avian flu virus. So now chicken , turkey , and egg prices are ever on the increase as well as all dairy products. Add to this the contamination of one of the biggest water supplies for people as well as live stock by the EPA to an already depleted water supply, so now we have lack of food resources as well as a severe cut back in farming jobs.

#3 Economy ; As of today the major trading indexes are severely down with China having a major melt down due to major reduction in orders for goods , guess the new IPhone will just have to wait. One of China's biggest customers has cut it's orders by almost 60 % , that customer being Wal-Mart. The Yuan has been devalued by The Peoples Bank of China , and the government of China has scrambled to do anything and everything they can to prop it up, to no avail. Remember , China is one of the founding partners with Russia to form the BRICS Bank to replace the U.S. dollar as the worlds reserve currency. So now we have blind panic in the markets which has an immediate effect on every day people , food prices increased , money devalued , loss of economic growth due to lack of production therefore loss of employment . Yep so far so good.

#4 ; Health ; There are now several out breaks of diseases and viruses across the world the like of have not been seen since the dark ages , super bugs are now more prevalent due to the over use and reliance on anti-biotics. One vaccine is developed only to be obsolete in a mere matter of months, what was once curable is now killing adults as well as children , from TB to Chicken Pox . Yet there are those demanding all people get vaccines , which Bill Gates is the chief developer , that not only prove ineffective but also do more harm than good and kill more people than the actual diseases. Way to go Bill , you go boy !

#5 Housing ; Housing is so costly people are literally living in storage containers , like those used on construction sites. One " ah hem " gentleman is even renting them out at a $1,000.00 a month , talk about getting ahead of the curve. Now it is becoming illegal in a lot of states to be homeless , you get harassed by local police, arrested and ridiculed by the populace at large, all because your job was out sourced to another country or your employer hired a " immigrant " or " undocumented " worker for less money than you were earning. Oh and let's not forget now the " new " employee isn't getting any benefits because there is now Obamacare , if you like your health plan , you can keep your health plan, at a serious higher increase in costs with less coverage.

So let us recap: No food , No job , No money , No place to live and No health care. Yep we are doing just great thanks to the wonderful leadership of those in Washington D.C. , aren't we just the envy of the world ? Soon there won't be any money and what money there is will be worthless thanks to the FED pumping out new cash like water , can you say hyper-inflation ? Sure I knew you could. I am what some call a tin foil hat wearer , nut job, conspiracy nut , crazy prepper , and actually proud to bear all of those connotations. Thanks to I am all set to go and I would suggest you get ready as well. The food riots in South America are the precursor of what's to come here in our own back yard, how do you explain to a hungry child they can't eat because you didn't want to be viewed as a " nut job " , " tin foil hat wearer " ?  Or option B , trust the government to take care of you , after all it worked out so well for the American Indians. Here is a link to my youtube site where I did actual field testing and reviews of the products I received from